Page 8 of Nate

“Talk. Ask for help. Tell them.”

“H-hello? Hello?” she repeated.

“Hello? Who is this?” asked the voice.

“I-I’m Harlow Judge. I don’t know who you are, but I have Nate here, and he’s shot. He dialed this number and said to talk to you.”

“Okay, Harlow. It’s going to be okay.” The voice was calm and soothing, instantly making her feel a little better.

“Okay? Are you nuts! This wound looks infected, and he can barely move. He’s burning up, and I have no clue what to do.”

“I need you to stay calm, okay? My name is Tanner, and I’ve got one of our medics coming to help us. Do you have a first aid kit?”

“Yes. It’s right here, but it’s pretty basic.”

“Alright, I need you to find some tweezers or maybe even a pair of needle-nosed pliers.”

“Tweezers, I have tweezers,” she huffed, racing to the bathroom. She dug in her makeup and found the tweezers.

“Good. Now, soak them in rubbing alcohol. If you don’t have that, just use any alcohol. The stronger, the better.”

“Alcohol. Right.” She poured the entire bottle of rubbing alcohol into a bowl and dropped the tweezers into it. “Now what?”

She heard several men talking in the background. Then, someone told someone else to trace the call.

“What are you doing? Why are you tracing the call?” she said in a panicked voice.

“Harlow, my name is Cruz, and I’m a nurse and medic here. We’re tracing the call because we’re going to send some people to help you. We’re Nate’s family. I have his father and mother standing right beside me.”

“Thank you, Harlow,” said the sweet voice of a woman. “Thank you for helping my son.”

“I don’t know any of you. Nate told me not to speak with strangers. I’m feeling very overwhelmed, and I’m not going to lie. I’m about to lose my shit here. He helped me to hide from my family, and I haven’t spoken to anyone in weeks.”

“Harlow? Wait, you’re the Harlow from Quinn’s party? Harlow, we met. I’m Tobias. I was in the library with you and Nate.” She remembered the big man who had nodded at her with a kind smile.

“I-I remember.”

“Turn the video screen on your phone on.” She did as he asked and then saw that he was who he said he was. “It’s me. See?”

“I’m so relieved, but I’m so scared for him. He looks terrible, and there’s a horrible storm here.”

“We know,” said Tanner. “There’s a typhoon coming on shore, and it’s going to last for the next twelve hours.”

“Twelve hours? No. No, he can’t make it that long,” she cried.

“Harlow, listen to me,” said Cruz. “You’re going to follow my instructions and get that bullet out. First, turn the camera and show me the wound.” She did as he asked, although she thought he was completely insane if he believed she could get that bullet out.

“See. It’s red and terrible looking.”

“Honey, he’s been shot. It never looks good,” smiled Cruz. “Did you soak the tweezers?”


“Good. Put a pair of gloves on, and then take the tweezers out of the alcohol. Once you do that, I want you to pour the alcohol over the wound.” Doing exactly as he said, she poured the alcohol over the bullet wound.

“FUCK ME!” screamed Nate.

“Nate! Nate, I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry.”