Page 43 of Nate

“I don’t like this,” said Nate. “I think we should get to D.C. and find Spencer. If he’s out of the way, the only thing we have to deal with is the POTUS.”

“I agree,” said Hex.

“You can’t go without me,” smiled Mike from the doorway. He walked toward his twin, hugging him tightly, kissing his cheek.

“You bastard! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“Well, I missed my brother’s wedding. That was bad enough. I’m damn sure not going to miss this party. If the POTUS is responsible for selling all of us out, I want to help make sure it’s publicized for all to see. Besides, I’m hand-delivering your retirement papers. We’re done, brother.”

“Retirement,” he whispered. He stared at the papers in his hands, then up at his father, grandfather, and uncle. They’d all had to do the same thing. You thought you were ready, then suddenly you weren’t ready any longer. Suddenly, you missed the smell of gunpowder, sleeping on the cold ground, and eating MREs.

But outside, walking down the long tree-lined path with a dozen other women was the reason that all of this was okay. Harlow was laughing at something that Ajei said, then covering her mouth and doubling over with giggles. It made him smile. His twin followed his gaze and then looked back at him.

“She must be something fucking amazing,” said Mike.

“You have no idea,” whispered Nate. “I’m glad you’re here. We’re about to have to kill my father-in-law. This will be the shortest in-law get-together in history.”

“Do you think we should call the guy at the FBI?” asked Hex. “The one that the seniors met? Your old friend?” Cam thought about it, then decided it was too risky. The more people who knew, the easier it would be to disclose their whereabouts.

“No. Let’s just keep it close to our chests for now. If we need help, I can always call in a favor with Paul and see if I can get him to dig us out.” Cam turned to the tech team. “I need you to search all the cameras; lord knows there are enough of them in D.C. See if you can find a read on Judge’s face. We need to find him and see what he can tell us about the president’s involvement.”

“Can I kill him?” frowned Nate.

“I think we have to take a step back on that,” smirked Cam. “Let’s get to him first, then we can decide if jail is the better punishment for him.”

“It won’t be,” said Nate, crossing his arms over his chest. “That man helped to rape and murder his own daughter and, by all accounts, his wife and another young woman. Those are the only people we know about right now, but you can be damn sure there are more in the shadows. I say we put him in the ground.”

“Knives are always good,” said Trak, shrugging at his grandson.

“That’s what I say,” smiled Nate.

“Okay, okay,” said Luke, raising his hands. “We get it. You two vote for killing Judge.” Another dozen hands went up, and Luke just shook his head.

“Let’s get to him first,” said Cam. “We take as many men as we can. We’ll split up the city. Find anything that can tell us where he’s gone. Direction, hotel, anything.” Tanner and Hiro both nodded.

“Working on it.”


Harlow stared at the three sets of triplets that were running around the grove. Well, running wasn’t a good description. It was more ‘toddling.’ Nine babies. Nine. From three couples. They all still lived in the island mansion, enjoying their part-time seclusion from the rest of the world when necessary. The triplets were enjoying sleeping in the same rooms for now, but as they got older, there was enough space for them to split up and spread out.

“I can’t believe you’re managing all these babies,” she said, shaking her head.

“Well, we don’t do it alone,” smiled Sadie. “Even my brothers have been exceptional at helping out when needed. I honestly never thought they’d be so good with babies, but they’re wonderful.”

“They’ve been fantastic,” smiled Margo. Ramey nodded, watching the children fall and get back up as if it were nothing. They would be big. Big and tough like their fathers. Even Ambry, Bailey, and Marissa were showing their toughness with their much bigger brothers.

“Plus, we have all the medical team that comes out and helps when they can. Mom is amazing,” said Sadie, smiling at her mother chasing one of the boys. “We’ve always got help when we need it. Molly and Asia just hired three new teachers at the daycare, and they’ve been a lot of help as well.”

“It really is like your own little city here,” smiled Harlow. Her smile fell, and there was a dark look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” asked Sadie.

“I was just thinking. I don’t remember my parents doting on me the way you all do with the children. I don’t remember anyone playing ball with me in a yard or helping me to dress my dolls. I know that I had a nanny. But. I don’t remember any of the rest of it.”

“I’m so sad to hear that,” said Kat. “I barely remember my mother. She was killed by my uncle while he was high on drugs.”

“God, that’s awful,” said Harlow.