Page 41 of Nate

“I won’t,” she laughed. “Thank you, Nathan. You too, Claudette, Jake. Thank you.” She kissed their cheeks and jogged toward the cottage. The others just stared at the three wise sages.

“Claudette? Jake? Y’all wanna tell us why you sounded just like Mama and Pops?” asked Marie. They both smiled, kissing one another.

“Love always comes through, Marie, you know that. And when it’s been taught by the Zen masters, it mimics them perfectly.”

“What the hell does that mean?” frowned Camille.

“I don’t know,” laughed Gabi, “and I’m not sure I want to know.” Marie laughed, shaking her head at the group.

“Come on. It’s time to start work on the Mardi Gras floats. It’ll be here before you know it.”


Spencer Judge stared at his wife’s prone body. She was stretched across the bed sideways, one hand over her head, the other touching her still-flat stomach. Of course, her stomach was flat thanks to the fine plastic surgeon in Manhattan. He was responsible for her nose, her eye lift, her cheeks, and her thighs, still holding some appeal to him.

She was naked, bruised from their guest earlier. It didn’t phase her at all any longer. She kept her mouth shut and enjoyed it.

Years of this. Years of coming up with a way for people within their circle to pay back debt without losing their status in the community. They were technically a lending institution. Albeit one that dealt in flesh, drugs, and the occasional organ.

It was Victoria that gave him the idea. He and Seth had been trying to fuck her for weeks, and she kept turning them down. It was pure luck that he overheard his father talking about the family owing him money.

They might have gone overboard with Victoria. But she was so beautiful. So perfect. She was a virgin, and Seth really took delight in that. Her soft, pale flesh was so easily bruised it was a turn-on for them both. They were planning on returning her to her parents, but when she opened her eyes to see Seth on his knees in front of him, they knew they couldn’t allow her to live.

Seth. Gone. He would miss him. He gave some of the best head around. They weren’t gay. At least that’s what they told themselves, but they damn sure enjoyed anything sexual with anyone. It highlighted every experience. It was also what made Maxine perfect for him. She loved it all as well. Pain, pleasure, beatings, bondage, anything.

The man stepped out of the bathroom, straightening his tie.

“Is she alright? I did quite a number on her,” he grinned.

“She’ll be fine. A few drinks, and she’ll forget it ever happened,” he smiled.

“You’re a better man than me, Spencer. I wouldn’t let someone else touch my wife like that,” he said, pulling on his jacket.

“You would if it gave you what you wanted.”

“Listen, I told you I don’t have that information yet. I don’t know where they’re located. You have to give me more time.”

“I don’t have to do shit. Give me what I want by end of day tomorrow, or I start making a few calls myself to the feds.”

“You can’t hide here forever, Spencer. They’ll know that you’re in D.C. They’ve already raided your office and the townhouse. I can’t be associated with you. You’ll have to leave here by Friday.”

“Fine. Get me what I want by end of day tomorrow.”

The other man just stared at him, then turned and walked down the steps. Spencer heard the door open and close, then secured the lock via his phone. Apps. What a wonderful invention. Maybe one day, he’d invent an app for all of this.

Maxine moaned, stirring on the bed.

“You’re fine,” he said, staring at her. “In fact, you’re ready for round two.”

“Go fuck yourself, Spencer. I’m tired,” she said, pushing herself off the bed. “I’m completely raw and sore. He obviously had some things to work off. Besides, how can I possibly enjoy going from riding the bologna pony to riding the pencil dick.”

He stood so quickly she had no time to prepare as he backhanded her. Maxine went flying onto the bed, watching as he removed his shirt.

“You always did have a big mouth,” he frowned.

She wiped the blood from her mouth, staring at him. He was rough in bed but rarely ever laid a hand on her out of bed. This was something different.

“Open your legs,” he said, unzipping his trousers.