“Yes, honey. And pilots. In fact, we have three female pilots on our team. That’s pretty remarkable, and you’re going to be a part of that team as well. What were you doing before all of this happened?”
“I was working with police departments in New York state, teaching new techniques for investigating crimes, the new tools and technologies available to them, and how to ensure a truly buttoned-up case.”
“Sounds like you’ll fit right in,” said Savannah. “You didn’t want to attend law school?”
“No. My father is an attorney, and he used his position for bad, not good. He’s an attorney at the Justice Department, and my godfather is a Supreme Court justice.”
“Really,” frowned Savannah. “Did they get along?”
“Oh, yes. My father and Seth are best friends. They went to law school together and originally worked in the same law practice. Their careers diverted, but they never lost touch.”
“Then why the frowny face?”
“I didn’t tell Nate this, but I think he and my mother had an affair. I don’t have proof, but I think they were seeing one another. Funny thing is my father was never angry about it.”
“Do you think maybe it had something to do with what Quinn was doing? Or maybe your father was seeing someone as well. We don’t get to choose our parents, Harlow. But lucky for you, you get to choose your forever family. Not a lot of people are that lucky.
“What you need to keep in mind is that you are not your parents. What they’ve done, what they are doing, is not a reflection on you.”
“What happens if he looks at me a few weeks from now and realizes what was done to me? What if all he can see are those horrible men that touched me, that made me do things to myself?”
“Listen to me, Harlow. That is not how these men are wired. They are so incredibly unique in their way of thinking, acting, and feeling. Nate isn’t stupid. He already knows everything that happened to you. It matters to him because it hurt you, but it doesn’t change how he feels about you.”
Harlow was quiet, staring straight out the windshield of the helicopter. The sun was coming up, leaving a violet and blue glow on the horizon. It was odd how a few hours could change your whole perspective of the world. A few days, a few weeks, it was a blur now. But to think that she was contemplating killing herself at one point, and today, she was wondering what a life with a big, handsome soldier would be like. It seemed nothing short of miraculous.
“Get some rest. You’ll be home soon.” Harlow nodded, leaning back and closing her eyes.
Harlow felt the slight jerk of the helicopter and immediately came awake. Savannah grinned at her.
“Welcome to Belle Fleur,” she smiled.
Harlow looked out the window, staring at the thick forested landscape in the distance. There was a small pond nearby, and several other helicopters and planes parked in the wide-open space behind them.
“Where are we?”
“For now, just know that you’re safe,” said Savannah. “I’ll let Nate fill you in on the rest. Come on, you’re about to be overwhelmed.”
Savannah wasn’t lying. As she stepped out of the helicopter and into Nate’s arms, a rush of people came toward them. Most were hugging Nate, welcoming him home. But many wanted to know how she was, what did she need, and was she hungry.
“I think I’m feeling overwhelmed,” she whispered to Nate.
“That’s natural,” said Nate. “But you have to meet a few very special people. Harlow, this is my mother, Katrina Redhawk.”
“Oh, you’re just beautiful,” smiled Katrina. “Well done, Nate.”
“Mom,” he laughed, shaking his head. “This is my grandmother, Lauren.”
“Hello, Harlow. Welcome to the family. If you need anything at all, please let me know. We’ve already purchased some items for you to have at the cottage.”
“Wow, you guys don’t waste time, do you? I can’t believe you’re Nate’s grandmother. You’re so incredibly beautiful. I guess I can see where that hint of violet in his eyes comes from.” Lauren hugged her once more.
“We never waste time. It’s too precious. And thank you for the compliment,” smiled Lauren.
“These men are my grandfathers, Trak and Miguel. And this is my bonus grandfather, Miguel’s partner, Doug.”