Page 10 of Nate

“Hi, Tobias,” she smiled. “Yes. The man that was at the party in his uniform, he was always at the parties and usually with other men. Foreign men mostly. I was only at four parties, but he was there every time.”

“Well, the good news is that he’s dead as well. Did you meet the other men?”

“No, thank goodness. The girls they took were usually much younger than me. It was awful, but I have to be grateful that I wasn’t raped.”

“What do you mean?” asked Tanner.

“It was usually old men that took me. They couldn’t, you know,” she blushed. They nodded, prompting her to continue. “They wanted to watch me. It was horrible, but nothing compared to what they did to some of those girls. My parents said that if I told anyone, they would make sure that I was taken by one of those men the next time. I tried to get away. I left for school. I moved out of state, everything.”

“We know, hun,” said Nathan. “But these other men. Where were they from? Do you know?”

“I know that two were from Russia. And at least two were from Mexico. I speak passable Spanish, and they kept saying that they were waiting for the reaper to arrive.”

Silence filled the air as the men on screen stared at one another.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“No, honey. They said, ‘waiting for the reaper to arrive’? You’re sure?”

“Yes. I’m positive. Actually, they said, waiting for the reaper man to arrive. I assumed they were talking about death and thought someone would come to kill them.”

“They weren’t far off. They knew we were coming,” said Nathan. “We need to find those men. If they were behind this, and Mike is right, they were set up. They’re going to be after Nate.”

“What do I do?” asked Harlow, feeling panic fill her chest.

“You’re doing it, sweetie,” smiled Katrina. “These boys will come and get you, and everything will be alright. We’ll bring you and that handsome dog of yours right back here where you’ll be safe.”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “I don’t know what I would have done without your help.”

“Keep this number in your phone for now, Harlow. If you need anything, call us, but I’ll be calling you every hour just to check on you. Okay?” said Tanner.

“Okay. Thank you.”

She hung up the phone and brushed the long black hair from Nate’s face. Unsure of what possessed her, she leaned down and kissed him. Without warning, he gripped the back of her neck and flipped her over, pressing his body against hers.

“Unless you mean it, don’t tempt me.” She swallowed, nodding at him. Harlow wasn’t sure why she suddenly had a rush of courage, but it was as if it was bubbling over, and she had to follow through on it.

“I mean it.”

“You mean it, as in ‘thank you for saving me, Nate,’ or you mean it as in ‘I’m hot for you, Nate.’” She grinned at him.

“Definitely the second one, and a little of the first one too, I suppose. But you’re hurt. This can wait,” she said.

“No. No, it can’t. It’s all I’ve been fucking thinking about for weeks.”

Taking her mouth with a power and passion Harlow didn’t know existed, her breath was gone, and her body was suddenly on fire. Their tongues danced as one arm wound around her, crushing her to his body. The other still gripping her neck.

“Swear to me that you’re twenty-four,” he growled, staring down at her beautiful face.

“N-no. I mean. Yes and no. I turned twenty-five three days ago.” Nate’s face lit up, and he kissed her again. She could feel his cock grinding against her hips. This was a man. A mature, fully developed, perfectly formed male. And she wanted him.

“Twenty-five is good,” he smiled. Kissing her once more, he lay back again, breathing heavily. “I didn’t mean to attack you like that. I just needed to kiss you. You’re all I’ve been thinking about.”

“Me? Why?” she asked, staring down at him. “You saw where I was, Nate. You have a pretty good idea of what I was forced to do.”

“Yes. Yes, I did. And, yes, I do. But I also heard what you told the others. They didn’t rape you. You were able to escape that, and I’m damn happy that you were. Even if they had, it wouldn’t change how I feel about you, Harlow.”

“How can you feel anything about me? This is very confusing. I won’t deny that there was an instant spark between us, and then when you showed up again, there was more than just a rescuer in front of me. But we’ve barely spoken.”