Page 51 of Nate

“Heard me?” asked Judge, shivering from the cold.

“Yes. I heard what you said to your daughter. You were going to touch her. Your own daughter. You’d already killed one, and you were going to use and kill another.”

“I w-wasn’t going to kill her! She was too valuable,” he said, his teeth chattering in the darkness. Nate slammed his elbow into his mouth. Teeth clicked against the concrete floor as Judge spit blood.

“You’re damn right, she’s too valuable. She’s too valuable to ever be near you or your sick friends again. We’re going to bring everyone to their knees. Everyone, and they will know that you, Seth Morrison, Paul, and all the others are responsible and what your game was.”

“They won’t believe you. We know too many people.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” said Nate. “You don’t know any people. You know animals. Animals tend to turn on one another when they’re pressed. They’ll eat their own if they must to survive. You’re nothing to these people. Watch how quickly they turn when they’re exposed. They will tell the whole world their story and yours.”

Judge started to kick and scream as they reached the steel door. Nate slammed his fist into his abdomen, the man falling to the ground, weeping like a child. He gripped the collar of his jacket, dragging him from the corridor into the blizzard.

“Did Garbo cry for mercy? Did she beg for you to leave her alone?” sneered Nate. “All those poor young women that you traded for cash, for favors. Did they plead like you are now? I’m going to bet they didn’t. I’m going to bet that they were braver, stronger than you’ll ever be.”

Tossing Judge into the trunk, they sped down 17thand toward the Roosevelt Bridge. There weren’t even public works trucks out. The sky was completely white with snow, wind blowing the flags straight out.

As the vehicle stopped halfway across the bridge, Nate stepped out, opening the trunk. He dragged Judge to the edge of the bridge, gripping his lapels.

“This death is almost too good for you, but I won’t let you take another breath in my presence. I will have an amazing life with my wife. We will have children that we will cherish and raise to be healthy, happy adults. Neither of us will think of you again.”

He released the lapels, Judge slipping on the slick snowfall of the steel grates of the bridge. Turning, he tried to run but fell against the steel teeth, cursing. Nate lifted him, shoving his hands against his chest, pushing him further and further toward the railing until he was teetering. Behind him was his family.

Judge stared at the identical faces. Seven men. Seven men that looked as though they’d come from one egg. He never realized that the faces were becoming further and further away until he hit the icy water, gasping for breath.

The seven faces hovered above him, staring down. Watching. Waiting as he gasped, sputtered, and tried to move his body. It was no use. He had no feeling whatsoever as his body was sucked beneath the freezing waters.

Nate stood at the side of the bridge for ten minutes, just staring down into the water. Chunks of ice and snow floated by, furiously following the twist of the current. Ten minutes. Ten minutes to be sure there were no signs of the demon he’d pushed into the water. The demon who’d taken so many innocent lives. Ruining countless others. The money stolen. The innocence lost.

His wife would never see her older sister again. She would never know the joy of having a sibling to protect you, care for you, as he did.

He felt several hands on his shoulders and back.

“Let’s go home, son,” said Nathan. He nodded.



“This case is so far-reaching and disturbing, words cannot even begin to do justice to its severity,” said the president. “However, let me start with a story. A story that is long overdue to you all.”

For twenty minutes, he told the story of his family and his beautiful older sister. There were whispers and attempts at interruption, but he stopped them. He vowed to find the men responsible for his sister’s death, and when he became president, he never thought they would literally fall into his lap.

He told the press that the disturbed FBI agent had tried to kill him, but when the president called for his security team, he decided to jump instead. He mentioned all the names involved, live cameras panning to the dozens and dozens of arrests being made around the country.

“I’ll take questions now.”

“Mr. President, where did all of the evidence come from?” asked the reporter.

“I’m not at liberty to say. However, I can tell you that it’s been examined by my team of experts, and it is valid. These men committed horrendous crimes and will be brought to justice for the hundreds if not thousands of lives they destroyed. Several major international criminals were involved in the activities, and they have either been apprehended or are currently under surveillance in their own countries.”

“According to earlier reports, Spencer Judge was working with Seth Morrison in these horrible acts, yet you temporarily appointed him to the Court. Why would you do that?”

“Simple. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”

“He managed that well,” said Luke, staring at the television as he muted the sound. Nate nodded, as did the others.

“Will they ask for his resignation? Or worse, impeach him?” asked Mike.