Page 12 of Nate

Harlow stood from the sofa, moving into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator several times and the cupboards.

“How do you feel about homemade macaroni and cheese with ham slices?” she asked. Nate smiled at her, nodding.

“I think it sounds amazing. Do you need help?”

“No. You sit. You shouldn’t be doing anything right now.”

“Okay. While you do that, I’m going to call my brother and make sure he’s okay.” She nodded at him as he took the phone and dialed Mike. At first, he wasn’t sure that he’d answer since it was her phone number. Surprised, he picked up on the third ring.

“You’d better be alive, you bastard.”

“How did you know it was me?” chuckled Nate.

“Dad called and gave me the number. I’m glad you’re safe, brother. They chased me downriver, then I backtracked and got to the village. I stole a horse, rode it to the city, and bought a bus ticket. Sounds like you found yourself a girl.” Nate looked behind him, seeing Harlow in the kitchen.

“Not just any girl, Mike,” he said, speaking softly. “She’sthegirl.”

“Damn. That was fast.”

“It’s a long story, but just knowing that you’re safe is already making me feel better. Mike,” he whispered, “I think we were set up. That guy knew who we were and knew those men were coming for us. Harlow said some Mexican men at the parties said they were waiting on the reaper man. Someone was coming for us.” His brother was quiet for a moment, then let out a long, slow breath.

“Well, it makes sense, Nate. I mean, come on. Dad, Uncle Joseph, Grandpa. All with the Redhawk name. Shit, even the guys on the teams jump when they hear our last name, and it’s not like it’s Smith or Jones. Redhawk is unusual.”

“I know, I know. But if someone knows who we are and is stalking us, we’re nearing the end of our careers,” said Nate.

“Listen, you take care of yourself. Major Cooper is keeping me close to base for now, but I have to be honest. I’m thinking of turning my papers in, Nate.”



“Me, too, Mike. I’m tired of this shit. And if we have a target on our backs, then that only makes my decision firm.”

“I agree. Let’s talk soon. Be safe, Nate. And keep that girl of yours safe,” he smirked.

Nate ended the call and then turned to see Harlow carrying a plate to him. There was a huge helping of the creamiest, gooiest macaroni and cheese he’d ever seen and a thick slice of ham.

“Would you like water, milk, or lemonade? That’s all I have.”

“Milk is great. I’m a milk drinker for sure.” She retrieved the milk, setting it beside him, then fixed her own plate. “Mmm. This is delicious!”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “My mother didn’t really cook, but we had a maid who did, and I loved her. She taught me how to make all kinds of things. My favorite thing was these double-chocolate, chocolate chip, and peppermint cookies that we would make during the holidays.”

“I don’t think you should wait for the holidays,” smirked Nate. “I think you should make those for me any time you want.”

“You’re really serious about us getting to know one another?”

“Deadly serious.”

“Poor choice of words, Nate. Look, I know that you do this for a living, but I don’t. All of this scares the hell out of me, and I don’t know what to do. Maybe had I been a little more street savvy, I could have found a way out of this.”

“Trust me,” said Nate. “That’s all you need to do. Just trust me, and I’ll make sure that you’re safe.” He squeezed her hand, and she nodded with a small smile.

“And who makes sure that you’re safe?” she asked, cocking her head toward him.

“Easy. My family. My team. My twin brother.”

“You have a twin brother?”