Page 89 of Royally Cursed

“You caught us,” Ayla said as she rolled her eyes. “We were in the middle of sacrificing a thousand virgins to the Gods of Chaos, but now you’ve stopped us.”

Although her answer was quite cheeky, I could tell from the slightly acrid scent wafting from my mate that she was embarrassed.

“Let’s all just enjoy our break. Soon we’ll be close enough to where any sidebar conversation could risk detection,” I said.

Darla just gave a little salute. “Aye-aye, Captain. Wouldn’t want to interrupt any more canoodling.”


“Yeah, yeah, I’m going, I’m going.”

She headed back to the others, and Ayla and I soon followed. I did, however, notice that Ayla’s scent lightened as we walkedalong. Had she really thought I'd be steamed with her for what happened with the coven? Gods, the bar was so low it was practically in the basement. It really made me mad how many people had chronically disappointed Ayla her entire life for her to normalize it so much.

Soon I’d show her she didn’t deserve that. She was a joy to be around, curse or not. I knew that it was going to take time, such things didn’t disappear in an instant, but it’d be time well spent.

I spent the next couple of hours mentally plotting all the ways I'd help Ayla understand what she deserved. Either way, there wasn’t a whole lot of conversation going on, so I guessed that the others were equally in their own heads.

That changed, however, when Irina held out her hand. It was her turn at the lead after Tristian, and all of us stopped in our tracks right then and there, knowing what the pause had to mean.

“We’re close,” she murmured. “If we want to make any semblance of a more specific plan, we should do so now.”

“Wait, we’re making a plan?” Tristan said. “I thought we were just, ya know, gonna grab him and run off.”

“What a brilliant idea,” Irina answered so dryly I was surprised the grass itself didn’t wither at her feet. “By all means, please demonstrate your prowess to us by doing so.”

“Har har, you’re hilarious.”

“My humor is only matched by my beauty,” the vampire said. Whew, no wonder she had fangs, because she could put plenty of bite into her words. “Enough about me, and more about this plan.”

“He’s supposed to be stationed at an outpost camp, right?” I said, remembering what Irina and Tristian said during our trek.

“Yes, but we’re in the warmer months, so the camp will actually be occupied, unlike the winter months where it’s justhim and a few other cryptids who prefer to travel in low-traffic areas.”

“So, what, we stealth in, subdue him in his home, drain a little blood, then get out before anyone’s the wiser?” Mad Dog, of course, certainly made it sound much simpler than it was.

“More or less.”

Why did I have a feeling we were in store for “more” and not so much “less”?

“Well, you should have Darla and me lead,” Ayla said, hands on her hip, her tone practical. “She can spread psychic confusion, and I can try casting whatever glamour spells I can get around their wards. If they have any, of course.”

“This is a camp behind Vekas borders. Of course, there are wards,” Darla said with a chuckle.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you hung back?” I said, my natural instincts to protect my mate raging within me. “As our heal—”

“Let’s not rehash this, all right? I’m coming. Period. Leaving me behind would split our forces and only leave me more vulnerable.”

She was right.

I supposed I could do some pseudo-masculine posturing and demand she stay behind, but I was better than that, even if my inner wolf didn’t think so. Besides, it would probably end up wasting time and put all of us in a bad mood. No, it would definitely be better if I just bit my tongue and acted like a proper commanding officer instead of a newly mated wolf.

Still, there were only so many instincts I could push down. Taking a deep breath, I tried to level my mate with the most respectful, open, and honest look I could. “All right. But can we compromise and go to the center of our formation, and do you promise not to run into danger at the first opportunity you get?”

“Whaaa? Our little healer hermit?” Darla drawled, good-natured sarcasm dripping from her voice. “She wouldneverdo something like that!”

Naturally, Irina had to join in, not that I could blame her considering Ayla had managed to give her the slip in the middle of a giant surprise attack. I didn’t think the vampire would ever get over that.

“All right, all right, Igetit,” Ayla said, rolling her eyes. “I’ll behave myself.”