Page 40 of Royally Cursed

“It’s not that I want to, Kai, but I remember how you were last time. You were like a man possessed. It was hard to get you to even eat or drink. I don’t want to see you like that again.”

He had a point, but I was still prickly at what I read between the lines. He thought I was mistaken, that I hadn’t actually sensed my fated soul. But I knew I had. Iknewit.

“I mean, a mate connection like that is supposed to be unmistakable, right?” Oren continued.

“Of course, it is, that’s why I know it was her.” I rolled my neck, trying to settle my thoughts. “Besides, you said that I was found stabilized, even though my injuries were almost fatal, right? Our only battleground medic was unconscious, and the rest were inside tending to our wounded that Ayla managed to send to them. Who else could it have been?”

“I… I suppose I don’t have an answer to that.”

“Exactly.” I took a deep breath, trying not to sink into an endless spiral of wondering how she could just disappear at the drop of a hat. “Now, if we’re done talking about my depressing love life, I have something to share with you.”


“Yeah, and you’re not going to like it.”

“You certainly know how to set the mood.”

I gave him a wink that was much cheekier than it should have been considering the subject matter. “I do my best.”

“I can’t help but notice that you waited until we finished the canteen of mead so I can’t throw it in your face.”

“Like I said—”

“Yeah, yeah, you do your best. I can tell you’re procrastinating, so out with it.”

I knew it was going to be a row, but I still explained everything Ayla told me. She was an incredibly private person,and she likely wouldn’t be pleased with others knowing her personal information, but I did tell her I was informing my advisors.

Oren, to his credit, sat and listened patiently, giving the occasional nod, only interrupting when he had a clarifying question. When I finished, I looked to him expectantly, just waiting for him to tell me I was an utter moron and there was no way I could risk myself over a single healer.

“Hmm, I trust that you’ve already considered the risks, yes?” He sounded immeasurably calm. Sometimes I thought that if I hadn’t been born an alpha or hadn’t learned how to charm people early on, Oren would've been the leader out of the two of us.

“I have,” I said. “I know this is unusual, and if it were any possible situation, I should go, but I can’t help but feel that this mission needs me. Not only is Everton possibly the best battlefield healer I’ve ever met, but this relic she mentioned could save entire towns.” I took a deep breath. “Think about it. Our enemy forces sweeping into a town to attack, only for us to sweep in and surround them.”

Oren stared past me, and I knew he was picturing it just like I was. “That certainly is an appealing scene.”

“Isn’t it?” I grinned. I felt like I’d won even though we still hadn’t fully decided on things yet. “I wouldn’t be the only one with her, of course. I want our best soldiers on this team, the more specifically skilled, the better to cover any vulnerabilities. Weneedthis totem of protection.”

“What if Ayla’s coven has moved?”

“Then, we reorganize. Maybe if she was closer or in their land, she'd be able to find them, or they would even find her.”

Oren nodded, but I waited for him to speak before I continued. “I suppose you will want me in command of the base while you’re gone?”

“Yes, but I don’t want the word out yet that I’ve left.”

There went his eyebrows again. Sometimes I just wanted to take my thumbs and push those hairs down until he didn’t look so perpetually shocked by my audacity. “How do you suppose I do that?”

“Just say I’m still recovering from the lingering effects of the magic that hit me. Considering how bad I was, I’m sure most will believe it.”

“Fair enough.” Oren took another deep breath and then reached for more food. “I will keep an eye on things, then. I’m sure most of us will be busy recovering and rebuilding.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Sitting back, I felt more than proud of myself that it'd all gone so smoothly. I was eager to continue, to get what we needed and have the drop on the Shrouded Shriek and the Kingdom of Vekas alike. “So, do you have any suggestions for who should be on the team?”

Oren and I spent at least an hour in my office, suggesting various people who could possibly be useful. I wasn’t really aware of time passing, not with food and drink in front of us. But I was still startled when a knock sounded on our door and Officer Khan just let herself in.

“Pardon the interruption,” she said, all smiles. I’d always gotten the feeling that she was somewhat used to doing whatever she wanted, but her sudden entrance still prickled at my nerves. “After you liked the treats I made earlier, I thought I'd bring by—” Naturally, her eyes went to the files on our desks, and it was fascinating to watch her rapidly add things up in real time. She was a sharp one, that Darla. No wonder she got along with Ayla. “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing, Officer Khan,” Oren said shortly. I really,reallyneeded to work with him on his skills. “You may leave whatever you brought, and might I remind you not to enter an officer’s working space without permission?”