Page 2 of Royally Cursed

Ugh, the thought made me nauseous.

I could just picture the line of eligible bachelors she’d round up in the hopes of me finding “the one”. Not only would it be awkward beyond the extreme, it’d only end with bitter attitudes and broken hearts.

Mostly because I’d already found “the one”.

I could never,everbecome close to him.

“Baby, are you really trying to lie to a psychic?” Darla shot back. It’d become increasingly obvious with each second that she wasn’t going to leave me alone, so I groaned, got up, and stalked over to the door.

“We already went over this,” I told her dryly after flinging it open. “Inhibitor bracelet means that you’re not much different than a human to me.”

“Not much different than abeautifulhuman to you,” she corrected me without missing a beat. That charisma again. She had a quick tongue and an even quicker wit, which was probably one of the reasons it was so hard to shake her. I knew that if I really put the work into being a miserable twat, she’d eventually lose interest, but try as I might, I just couldn’t bring myself to fully commit.

This was incredibly selfish of me, of course, but it'd been so long, and sometimes I was just incredibly lonely. Was it really that wrong for me to have a single friend?

Probably, but it was what it was.

“Come on,” Darla said while completely ignoring my scowl. “You can’t blame me for suggesting a way to help you out.”

“Help me out with what?”

“That wholeuptightvibe you’ve got going on.” She pushed her way into my room, and the next thing I knew, she was sitting at my desk. I didn’t have a lot of furniture exactly, but I'd more than the standard soldier, considering all the healing and witch supplies I needed.

“You know, not everyone is into romance or sex,” I said, crossing over to my bed and flopping back down. It looked like now I wasn’t going to eatorsleep, which wasn’t the best option. Actually, I was pretty sure it was the worst.

“Ayla, I can end up living in other people’s heads if I’m not careful. Ofcourse,I know about the ace-aro spectrum, but I also know that that isn’t you.”

Ugh, I hated when Darla got insightful.

I got the feeling the psychic liked to play up an empty-headed bimbo persona to get people to underestimate her. The fact that she didn’t bother with that charade around me was pretty flattering, as much as I tried to wall myself off.

“No, you’re so full of internal tension, I’m surprised you haven’t spontaneously combusted,” Darla continued, spinning around in my desk chair. “So, please, help me help you before you snap.”

“I’m not going to snap.”

“All right, I’ll trust you for now, but if you start chewing on the walls, I’m gonna take dating applications for you.”

“Yes, because that’s definitely a habit that’ll attract multiple suitors.”

Darla laughed at that, her head tipping back and white teeth flashing. It probably shouldn’t have made pride flicker in my chest that I’d amused her, but it did. What could I say? I liked the idea of making my clever friend, and my only friend, laugh.

“Hey, your love non-life aside, did you see the latest batch of shifter trainees? Some of them are absolutely scrumptious. Maybe you could put on cute civvies and we can give ‘em an eyeful in the dining hall?”

“I thought youjustsaid my love non-life aside.”

“I’msorry!I’m just a dog with a bone.”

“More like a dog trying to get me boned,” I muttered under my breath, only to send Darla cackling again.

“Did you just call me a bitch?”

My eyes snapped wide open at that, and I jolted upright. “What? No!”

“Relax,relax, girl!” Darla said between peals of chuckles, waving me off. “You’re so fucking funny when you don’t mean to be.”

I wanted to argue that I'd be funnier if I didn’t have to barrier myself off from everyone around me, but I wanted to keep that truth to myself. “I don’t even have clothes outside my healer uniform and sleepwear,” I said instead, diffusing the mood.

“What? I know I didn’t just hear that.”