Page 228 of Royally Cursed

“It is,” she said with a sleepy sigh before stepping away from the door. “Come in.”

I did, closing it behind us before I followed her over to her table where lunch was sitting out. Normally, we all found our own way to get our midday meal, but it seemed Darla had chosen to dine in. For perhaps obvious reasons.


“Yes, we had sex,” Darla interrupted before I could even fully sit down.

“Believe it or not, I put it together judging by your getup.”

She grinned, resting her chin in her hand. “I know. It looks good on me, doesn’t it?”

“Darla, in the years since we’ve met, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single thing not look good on you.”

“Pft, what, are you stealing me away from Oren?” she said, laughing. “’Cause keep up and you might have a fated wife on your hands.”

“I’m barely handling one fated mate. I don’t think I can handle a wife on top of all that.”

“That’s entirely fair. I guess you’ll have to share me with Oren, then.”

“Yeah, I guess. What a cruel fate.”

But the mood turned a bit more serious when Darla let out a sigh I couldn’t quite interpret. “Ayla, I know I like to joke around a lot, but can I be serious with you?”

“Of course. Whatever you need.”

“We didn’t just have sex. Oren, he, uh… he opened his psyche to me. Fully, and without any inhibitor or even any resistance.” Now my eyes really shot open. It was one thing for a psychic to be able to rummage around someone’s thoughts without anyprotection, but it was another thing entirely for someone to completely open their mind to one.

“Whoa, really?”

“Yes. Ayla, it was more intimate than anything else I’ve ever experienced. I don’t even think I have the words. But it wasincrediblebeing linked to him in the deepest, most open way you can with another person.” She let out a breath, which sounded ragged, and not from discomfort. “It washisidea. He suggested it. I’ve never, in the history of my life, had someone so happy to connect with me in any way.”

My heart swelled as I reached across the table to rest my hand gently over hers.

“That’s wonderful, Darla. I really mean it. I’m happy you two could finally see eye to eye.”

“Me, too. To think I owe it to Kai kicking both of us in the ass.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, he is good at that.”

“He is.” Darla straightened. “So, why are you here? Just wanted to make sure I was alive?”

“Actually, no. The princess has hijacked us both.”

“Seraphina? What does she want?”

“Apparently there’s some grand ball coming up, and she wants us to meet with the palace tailor and fit some custom dresses.”

“You told her no, right? I know you’ve gotten adventurous of late, but I can’t imagine you ever wanting to be at a shindig like that.”

“Actually, I said yes.”

“You what?”

“She looked like she was about to cry. No one ever really socializes with her at these things, and she wanted me to be her plus one.”

Darla let her head fall back and cackled—truly cackled. “Man, I’m experiencing so many things I never thought possible since we came to this accursed castle. All right, then. Let me get dressed and you can take me to the princess’s quarters.”

“Actually, she’s going to send an escort for us.”