Page 194 of Royally Cursed

Seventy years ago? Shifters tended to age incredibly slowly once we reached full maturity, but I didn’t know enchantresses had the same trait. Yvonne didn’t look a day over thirty.

“They weren’t able to root out everything about the curse, but they figured out it was sealed by a blood trifecta stemming from the darkest of magic.”

“Trifecta of magic?” I echoed, now with something tickling inmybrain. I wasn’t a magic user, not at all, but hadn’t Darla and Ayla gone on a lot about putting a new trifold spell into the relic we’d gotten from her coven? Did the nature of the Sanguis coven’s magic have any relation to the same dark magic requiring a trio of ingredients?

“It needed the blood sacrifice of three people. Those three shared the curse, and all of them had to die before it died out.”

“You think my curse needs this?”

“I honestly don’t know, but I see the comparison.” Yvonne sighed. “Whatever spell got cast on you has an incredibly powerful origin, enough that I can’t help but think it’d be impossible for a single person to pull it off. If a singular soul cast this, phew, their reputation obviously precedes them.”

“I… thank you for figuring this all out,” Ayla murmured. “But I don’t know where we go from here.”

“Where we go from here is I’m going to put even more protective spells on our prince here.” She pointed to Darla without even looking at the psychic. “You’recoveredin this bullshit. How are you still alive?”

Instead of looking alarmed, Darla just shrugged. “I’ve had my throat slit, nearly died of dehydration in the wilderness, and was borderline cooked to a crispy death in an inn fire.” It was Yvonne’s turn for her eyes to widen, looking at the psychic with a new appreciation. “Luckily, my best friend happens to be a pretty cracking healer.”

“I see.” Yvonne said before addressing Ayla. “I know now why you’re so concerned.”

“Thank you,” my mate breathed.

“All right, psychic, let’s get you into my circle before you find a new and interesting way to die. Then we’ll do the prince.” She stood again and cracked her knuckles. “Dear, I’m going to need lots more of that enervating tea of yours.”

“Of course, dear.”

“Oh, and some of the rejuvenating tonic.”

“Yes, dear. I’ll grab some from your stores.”

“Perhaps a meal. Very protein and iron heavy.”

Euthalia set the tray she was holding down. “Would you like to send a list to our scrying mirror?”

“No, no, just do the work. You know what’s best in these situations.”

The siren crossed over to her girlfriend, standing on tiptoes to press a kiss to her dark cheek. “Well, one of us has to know how to take care of you.”

It was such a sweet scene, and I imagined Ayla and me being like that one day. She was a powerful healer, and I could see people coming to her for all sorts of grievous things, only for my mate to push up her sleeves and save their lives, no matter how tired she was. I’d be there to help her. I’d fetch warm water, clean bandages, whatever potions she needed, or even just make sure she ate.

Maybe some men would consider that emasculating, but I didn’t. Both my inner wolf and I loved the idea of tending to Ayla, making sure she was safe, taken care of. That was one of the many reasons I hated her curse so much.

“Sir?” Oren murmured while Yvonne started casting her wards on Darla. I stepped out onto the porch and crossed over.


“It seems we’ll be here even longer than last time if she wants to protect Darla. Forgive me for my bias, but I’d rather she didn’t rush on her part.”

“Nothing to forgive. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were here well into the night. I’m sensing you have a proposal?”

“I do. You know I’m not one for palace gossip, but I have heard a concerning amount about your mate. I think perhaps it would behoove us to arrange them a separate transport. One where they can arrive through the servants’ gates at a different time, while you and I draw more attention by going through the main gates in a more royal-approved transport.”

I was remiss to have what little time I spent with Ayla narrowed down even further, but it was a good idea. “I assume you need to return to the palace and get this royal transport?”

“Yes, sir. I figure I can shift and run there, requisition whatever’s needed, and return before you’re done here.”

“All right, if you think it’s safe enough to leave us here, I trust your judgement.”

“Thank you, sir. I will never take it for granted.”