Page 177 of Royally Cursed

Just like that, we were out of the palace.

Even in disguise, it was too risky for Kai to be out and about just strolling. So instead, Oren led us a couple of blocks, then down an alley to a plain-looking car and one of the lessimpressive ones I’d seen during our short drive within the capital city.

I liked carriages better.

Modern technology or not, we piled in, and then he was driving us. I tried to watch the streets as they went by, but it ended up making me nauseous. I was fine in the tank, so I guessed it must have been the speed setting me off.

Kai noticed, because he always did, and looped his arm behind me. “You gonna be okay?”

I nodded but closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. Then, before I knew it, the car pulled to a stop.

Thank goodness.

I swallowed the saliva that’d been building up in my mouth and got out, Kai circling around the car to be beside me. I wasn’t quite sure what I’d expected of the enchantress’s quarters, but it wasn’t for us to be in such an out of the way place. Were we toward the edge of the capital, or was she in some gated community?

My guess was the latter, because her place was clearly expensive: stained glass, vaulted windows, a lush garden built for beauty instead of food. Given her line of magic work, there were probably a lot of spell ingredients as well.

Were we supposed to knock? Announce ourselves? I wasn’t sure, but apparently Oren did, because he just marched forward and opened the front crystalline door.

That was one way to do things.

As soon as we were inside, we were greeted by a lovely looking siren, her cheeks and nose slightly red like she’d just come in from a cold night. Strangely enough, it complemented her plump features, making her look much more welcoming, less like she drowned men for fun.

“Would you like some of my tarts? They just finished cooling.”

I never thought I’d say it, but the capital hadwaytoo much food. “Uh, no, t-thank you, Enchantress.”

The woman let out a pleasant little laugh, her form jiggling a bit. I could understand why a sailor might risk perishing in the waves for her song. I’d just met the woman and I already felt pretty enamored.

“Oh no, that’s not me,” the siren said with a laugh. “I’m Euthalia. You’re looking for my partner Yvonne. She should be here shortly.”

Wait, the enchantress had specifically requested for us to come to her just a couple of hours earlier. Why wasn’t she here?

Then the door opened again, and a feminine, dark-skinned figure stepped out. She was as tall as Kai, and her complexion was flawless, with a deep blue undertone that caught the gold of her interior lights.

She wasn’t wearing the palace designer, but her clothes seemed fine, nonetheless, as if she’d had them made specifically for her. Her eyes held no white like most cryptids I knew. Instead, they were the deepest, darkest onyx I’d ever seen, with a swirling vortex of blue and purple where most people’s pupils would be.

It was unsettling yet enrapturing, and she shared the exact same allure as her curvy girlfriend.

“Prince Nikolai,” she said instantly, bowing to Kai. “When you sent your attendant earlier, I was certain it was a hoax. It is so good to hear you are back from... wherever it was you were.”

“I am glad to be back,” Kai lied smoothly. “Thank you again for agreeing to meet with us so expediently.”

It was official, I just didn’t like the way Kai sounded when he spoke in palace-tone. It wasn’thim, like someone else was wearing his skin and speaking through his mouth.

“Of course. When the royal family calls, us cryptids of Merrik heed the call.”

With that, I stepped forward, offering my hand. Although I was still quite nervous, I was happy to interact with another magic user. Especially since I’d never met an enchantress before.

From what I knew, their magic was similar to druids, as it was tied to nature, but legends said most enchantresses derived their power from the nymph, dryad, and elemental blood flowing somewhere in their ancestry.

“It’s wonderful to meet you,” I said. The woman went to take my hand, but at the last moment yanked it away, looking at me like I’d tried to stab her.

Oh, we were starting off great.

She could likely sense my curse, but it made me feel self-conscious, anyway. Although we’d only been at the capital for two days, it was nice to not be known as the “Healing Hermit” and to walk around without notice, completely unremarkable.

“Ah, sorry about that,” I said uncertainly.