Page 152 of Royally Cursed

She extended her hand, and it clicked into place exactly who she was. I knew my parents employed psychics, but I’d forgotten they had one or two at the palace gate to make sure no assassins slipped by in plain sight.

“I notice most of you are wearing inhibitor bracelets. Is there a psychic among you?”

“That’d be me,” Darla said, raising her hand. So much for keeping her abilities under wraps. Oh well, I knew that hope was far-fetched.

“Thank you, and these bracelets are specifically attuned to you?”

“Myself and another two back at our base.”

The woman lifted one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “You had more than one psychic at your fort?”

“Well, two and a half. One was an oracle, but her visions only really came to her during full and new moons, and the other had retro-cognition. Useful when picking over enemy corpses on the battlefield.”

“I see, and what’s your skill?”

Darla looked to me quickly, and I gave her a nod. It wasn’t wise to lie to a psychic right off the bat.

“I’m a telepath, ma’am.”

“I see. Your hand, please?

Darla offered it, and the woman closed her eyes, seeming to concentrate for several moments. I didn’t know if she was a telepath, too, but she let go after a few moments and moved onto Mad Dog.

The same thing happened again, but when she moved onto Ayla, I felt nervous. What if she was able to sense our bond even through the veiling spell? I may have looked unphased but still felt I was sweating bullets for the half minute the woman held my mate’s hand.

Miraculously enough, nothing happened. She gave Ayla a nod, then moved onto our driver. Whew, that was a relief. I was fine with losing our ace in the hole—i.e., Darla’s powers staying a secret—but I didnotwant a single soul to find out about the bond Ayla and I shared. It would quite literally ruin everything and put her at incredible risk, which was the last thing I wanted.

At least I thought nothing happened. But later the woman snapped her head to the side, right back toward Ayla.

“One moment. Your hand again.”


I was fully prepared to step in, but the woman quickly spoke up.

“I’m confused. I only sense a desire to help from you, but there’s something else there. Something...awful.”

“She’s been scanned,” another attendant said. “No weapons and no nefarious spells around her.”

“I know what I feel,” the psychic snapped. “I feel something consuming your aura unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”

Had we been busted so quickly?

I opened my mouth to come up with some excuse, but to my surprise it was Darla who stepped in.

“I apologize, but our dear Healer Everton here is just hangry. You know how it is during her time of the month?”

“I’ve never heard of someone’s menstrual cycle—”

“You know, there was this huge fire on our way here that injured several of our party pretty severely, and Everton naturally had to help, so she’s truly exhausted and has all of this bad energy still hovering around her. Gotta clean shit out, ya know, ya know?”

I didn’t think I’d ever heard Darla say ‘ya know’ so many times, but the other psychic didn’t notice.

“I’m not sure you’re familiar with witches, but can you imagine cramping on top of all of that? You can’t blame herfor having such a strange echo to her aura.” There was no way this was working, but Darla smiled anyway and batted her eyes. “Here, read me if you need proof.”

There was no way Darla would be able to fool a palace-certified psychic, yet when the woman took her hand for a second time, she let go with a skeptical expression on her face.

“Huh. You’re telling the truth.”