“This is not the time, Uncle. We’ll talk later.” Grimacing, he turned to Oren. “Please show my uncle to the spare officer quarters we have.”
“Yes, sir.”
“What? I’m not sleeping like a common mut shifter. Surely you have more esteemed quarters for a guest of my caliber. It’sbad enough that you parade around here as a lowly captain. Do not expect me to lower myself to such bleak standards.”
I’d seen Kai kill several people in our time together, but I’d never seen him look so much like he wanted to murder someone as right now. My shock ebbed slightly, soothed because my mate was clearlynotinto this conversation.
“If our quarters are not up to your standards,” he said through gritted teeth, “then you are more than welcome to find lodgings elsewhere.”
“As if there’s anywhere for miles in this backwater place where I'd feel comfortable,” he said. “No, you and I will be returning to the capital immediately. Enough of this idiocy.”
“That’s not going to happen. Oren, change of orders, please lead my uncle to the entrance and send him on his way.”
“Are you really going to make this difficult, Nikolai?”
“I am doing nothing but leading my people according to my role as my captain, and offering a civilian the nicest lodgings that we have. Since those are not up to your requirements, we are most happy to send you on your way.” Kai took another step toward his uncle, and all of his body language screamed violence. “Goodbye, Uncle.”
The older man sputtered, but Oren was already leading him out, leaving Kai and me alone, with my jaw still hanging slightly. Nothing in all our journey had prepared me for Kai being a royal. Nowonderhe was so understanding about all my lying.
But the moment the other two fully exited out of hearing range, Kai was in front of me, gripping both my hands.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, sounding quite genuine. Then again, when didn’t he? “I was about to tell you, but my uncle cut me off at the knees. I promise you, I’m not ‘parading around’ as a captain. I worked to get to where I was under Kai’s identity. I really love the military, and I care deeply about my position and the soldiers who serve under me.”
If I was in his situation, I probably would've done the same thing. Besides, it wasn’t like I could judge him, considering all the shit I’d pulled since I came to the fort three years earlier.
“Why didn’t you tell me after we…you know?” I asked curiously. I wasn’t hurt, but much like when he’d questioned me, I found myself wanting to know anything and everything about my beloved.
“Because I didn’t want to be grouped in with the other DeLunes. I wish I could say that my uncle was a rare one in the family, but far too many of my relatives are exactly like that. They don’t care about people they deem below them.”
“Yeah, he made that pretty apparent.”
“Look, I know it was wrong, but I also wantyouto know. I promise, no more secrets, no more—”
He was really getting worked up, and I felt so incredibly fond of him now. Some people would get defensive. Some would plead their case as if on trial. But not my Kai. No, Kai was just worried about the trust we shared and the integrity of our relationship.
“I’m not mad, Kai,” I answered, and I honestly meant it.
“You’re not?”
I shook my head, and even though I was so full of love, a deep sorrow began to spread through me, because I knew what I had to do and what Kai had to do.
“Then, why can I feel how miserable you are?” Kai said, leaning in so our faces were only a few inches apart.
There was that mating bond again.
“Because I know what this means.”
“Huh? I don’t follow.”
“Kai, you’re the crown prince. Our entire country is dependent on you succeeding to the throne, otherwise one of your asshole uncles or cousins gets the role. I think we can safely say we don’t want that.”
He nodded along, but cautiously, clearly not sure where I was going.
“With my malignant shadow, and everything else happening, I can’t risk your life or the welfare of an entire country. We can fight it and try to be careful, but that doesn’t matter. Youwillget hurt.”
“Why do I feel like you’re going to suggest placing that infernal curse on me again?” Kai’s voice was tauter than a bowstring, and I absolutely abhorred the pain in his eyes, but it was the logical thing to do. Letting things go on this long as they had had been plenty selfish enough. It was time to end things.
“Because I am. I can’t doom you and the hopes of the country for me. Especially since you’re already intended for someone else. No doubt a political marriage will help you to secure safety for all of our citizens. I don’twantto do this, but don’t you see that you have to? I’m not worth your life!”