“A guy could get used to it, too,” I said, giving her the tiniest ghost of a kiss on her forehead. I loved having the opportunity to be tender. I was down to bed her and leave my spend dripping from between her gorgeous legs at any time, but I genuinely cherished showing her gentle affection as well.
“You know, it’s in moments like these that I don’t care much what other people would have to say about us being together. Like, I know it’s not safe or logical, but it’s how I feel right now.”
I hugged her tightly. We weren’t in an easy situation, but it was so much more tolerable when we didn’t have some evil, insidious curse influencing how both of us acted.
“I feel the same way, too.”
The smile on her face was so sweet, so pleased, it made me want to kiss her all over again. But I refrained because my jaw was going to formally divorce me if I even puckered my lips.
“FYI, tomorrow I’m still gonna look through the library and maybe the records room. Maybe I can learn something that’ll help Yvonne with my curse.”
“Sounds good,” I said with a nod before a yawn interrupted me, and I was honestly surprised my mouth didn’t seize up right then and there. I was going to rely on my healing abilities while I slept. “Just be safe.”
“I will. But I also might slip into Merrik proper to check out the public archives—see if they have things your palace curators wouldn’t want in here.”
I hadn’t thought of this. “If you do, please bring me, or at the least, Darla, along with you. I’m not exactly thrilled at the idea of you alone around here.”
“I know,” she murmured quietly. “But is there anything else I’m supposed to be doing here? You know, besides reading until my brain goes numb?”
“Right now, you’re supposed to be here in my arms,” I said, resting my chin on top of her head. “Unless you want to go for orgasm number five?”
She let out a weary chuckle and gently flicked my shoulder. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Only with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “But still, at Canid I had my healing. It feels strange not to use it at all here. Do you think I could help some of the medical staff here at the palace? Maybe I could learn a few things from them or vice versa.”
“Well, this place is pretty protected, so I don’t think you’d be handling things beyond STDs from cheating spouses, unwanted pregnancies, and stubbed toes.”
I felt her shudder in my arms, and not out of lust. “I’ll figure something out, then. Just really not used to being idle.”
I nodded. Given what I knew of Ayla’s life, this was absolutely correct.
“I’m sure you will.”
I had the feeling we both could’ve laid there talking for ages, but we were also utterly exhausted from the events of the day, as well as our coupling. I felt my eyelids flutter and tilted my head down to press one last kiss to her scalp, then let myself drift off. I knew our time in the palace was just beginning, but I was so happy to finally be asleep in the arms of my mate, just as I should be.
Chapter 13
I woke up feeling fully rested but plenty sore, my body aching deliciously. I felt warmth pressed against my front and happily sighed as my eyes cracked open.
I really liked waking up in Kai’s arms, especially since we weren’t roughing it on a dangerous mission. It was a little slice of normalcy I’d always assumed would be out of my reach.
I knew Yvonne’s interference was temporary, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it.
However, it was when I languidly stretched that I realized exactly what we’d done. We were together in a separate wing of the castle, but that didn’t mean there weren’t servants around, and ones who’d spread the word about a no-account healer orphan witch caught sneaking out of the grand Prince Nikolai’s quarters.
Well, at least it wasn’t time for breakfast yet. There was still time for me to sneak into my room and wash up.
Sliding out of bed, I pressed a kiss to Kai’s cheek, his breathing heavy but relaxed as he slept. I thought about waking him, but I figured he needed all the rest he could get considering everything on his plate. Yvonne had blessed him plenty, but I didn’t know how much energy it took out of him.
Casting a quick veiling spell over myself, I pressed my ear to the door. I knew these were soundproofed rooms to help dampen shifter hearing, and my senses weren’t quite as enhanced as the full-blooded wolves around me, but I didn’t hear any footsteps.