Dominic nods. “Yeah, let me get dressed and I’ll come with you.”

“No!” I shout, forcing him to halt his movements and give me an odd look. “Uh, it’s just that I’d rather go alone.”

He blinks at me and shakes his head. “Casey, someone tried hurting you not that long ago. I hate the idea of you walking alone.”

I chuckle. “It’s morning, Dominic. I highly doubt anyone is going to do anything in broad daylight. I’ll be back before dark, I promise.”

There’s doubt brewing in his gaze, but he nods and runs a hand through his hair. “Fine, but text me throughout the day so I know you’re okay.”

“Sure thing,” I say with a smile, thankful that I was able to keep from tagging along. I’m not sure he’d be so understanding if he knew I ended up at Emmett’s house wanting to thank him for all the baby items.


I’m nervous as I step up to Emmett’s house, which isn’t very far from Dominic’s. I only walked for thirty minutes, and I’m out of breath. There are lights on inside, indicating he’s home, and I take a deep breath before marching up his front steps and knocking loudly on the door. I’ve got a smile on my face when the door swings open, but it falls immediately when I catch sight of the woman standing in front of me.

She slides her gaze over me before smiling. “Can I help you?”

Who the hell is this? My blood shouldn’t be getting hotter the longer I stare at her, but every inch of her is beautiful and exactly the kind of woman I’d expect him to be with. Her blonde hair falls in perfect waves just above her shoulders and the clothes are snug against her body, showing off all the curves she got that pregnancy is going to change for me. The smile she gives me is whitened and the perfect arc.

How is it possible for someone to be this perfect?

“Uh, okay,” she says awkwardly, ready to shut the door in my face because now she thinks I’m some creeper who doesn’t know how to talk.

What am I supposed to say to her though?Hi, I’m Emmett’s baby momma, and I just came by for a quick chat!If he hasn’t told anyone else, I highly doubt he’s spilled the beans to his supermodel worthy girlfriend in front of me. I shake my head and mumble, “Can you just tell him Casey stopped by? Let him know I’ll be back at another time. I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.”

I’m also praying I can get out of here before my jealousy takes over, which is only getting hotter with each second that passes. She eyes me curiously, confused by my words, and then opens her mouth to say something, but it’s cut off by the sound of my phone. I glare at the caller ID, not at all surprised that it’s Michael calling me – again – and that’s when the anger takes over.

I answer the call, not even giving him the chance to say anything before blurting, “I’m pregnant, we’re done, leave me alone!” When I stab my finger into the phone and glance up, the woman is standing there with wide eyes but a smirk on her face. “Sorry, I’m, uh, gonna go. Didn’t mean to disturb you guys.”

Emmett calls out my name just as I reach the end of his driveway, but I don’t bother turning back around. The last thing I want to see right now is that beautiful woman’s arm wrapped around his shoulder, cozying up to him in the exact way I wish I could. I can hear his feet rushing along the gravel drive, which only makes me pick up my pace and causes my lungs to burn as if I didn’t just get done walking all this way.

I’m relieved when his footsteps stop echoing through the air, so I slow down and take a chance to look back. He’s standing at the end of the driveway, arms crossed over his chest, and watching as I quickly turn a corner and disappear from his sight. When I think I’ve made it far enough, I find a place to rest along the way and close my eyes.

What would it be like to be that woman?

It’s so easy to imagine a domesticated life with Emmett that it frightens me. My heart starts to race at the thought, and I shake my head. Even if it’s what either of us wanted, Dominic would keep us from having that kind of life together. There’s no way it could work out when everything else is stacked against us.

I’ve still got to figure out how to tell Dominic who the father of this baby is, instead of worrying about who Emmett brings into his home. I don’t have a claim over him, no matter how much my soul wishes I did.

Chapter Twelve


I’vebeentryingtoget a hold of Casey all night and day, explaining to her who the woman was at my house, but she hasn’t been responding to anything. I’m not going to lie and say that the look of jealousy on her face didn’t affect me because I’d love nothing more than to see it again, but I don’t want her stressing over it. So, I do the best thing I can think of and grab an early dinner for her on my way to the office.

She’s leaning against the bar, talking animatedly with the bartender, when her eyes find mine and her spine straightens instantly. Her gaze falls to the bag I’m carrying in my left hand before she meets me halfway. “Emmett, what are you doing down here?”

I hold the bag up with a friendly smile and extend it out to her. “Bringing you an early dinner. Eat it when you feel like it. I just thought you might be hungry and didn’t know what you brought for your lunch.” There’s also the fact that I’m trying to show her that she can trust me.

Casey chews on her bottom lip, contemplating if she wants to take the food, and all I can do is imagine taking over the task for her. I want nothing more than to sink my own teeth into her plump skin, biting until she whimpers from the pinch of pain even though her pussy would be leaking with her arousal.

My dick jumps in my pants and I silently curse at myself. This is not the time to start fantasizing about her. “Take it, please.”

She slowly reaches out, her fingers clutching the plastic bag, and says, “Well, uh, thanks.” There’s confusion burning in her gaze, as if she isn’t sure what to make of this, but I don’t have time to tell her it’s a new side of me she’s getting now. The longer I spend in her vicinity, the dirtier the fantasy with her is going to get.

I’ve spent most of our life ignoring her, but that’s not happening any longer. I see her more than I ever thought I would now and I’m going to have to deal with that. Fran is waiting outside my office for me when I get to the top floor, a simple smile on her face, then she follows me inside. “What do you have for me, Fran?”

She sighs. “Well, it seems as though there’s a contractor issue with one of the new buildings. They are waiting for a call back to continue with the project. Everything else seems to be going just the way you hoped.”