I thrust my fingers in and out of her, loving the way her legs tremble beside me as I do it, and flick my tongue over her clit in sync with my movements. She thrashes against the couch, the pleasure coming over the edge, and I smile against her as I continue my assault on her pussy.

She cries into the room, my name slipping from her lips eagerly, and I pull away from her once her body sags against me. Her legs fall like jello to the floor when I stand up, sucking the release from my fingers as I stare at her. I bend down, grabbing her clothes from the floor and handing them over to her, while the heat of the moment evaporates.

As soon as she gets her clothes on, the front door opens, and Dominic walks through the room carrying two large bags full of juice. He chuckles while heading into the kitchen, oblivious to the smell of Casey’s release lingering through the air, and says, “Figured I’d get extra, it will be stocked for a little while at least.”

We’re silent for longer than normal, and he turns to us, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “You guys okay?”

I clear my throat and nod, then grab my keys sitting on the kitchen island. “Yeah. I, uh, gotta head back to the office, but wanted to sit with Casey until you got back in case she got sick again.”

Or until I made her come all over my fingers, but I can’t exactly say that out loud to her brother.

He nods. “Thanks, man. We’re appreciative of everything you’ve been doing.”

I’m not sure he’d still be saying that if he knew all the information. I quickly rush out of his place, letting the door fall shut behind me and head toward my car.


I’m entirely fucking screwed right now.


When I walk through my front door, the first thing I do is head into the bathroom and brush the taste of Casey from my mouth. Not that it does much of anything, even with mouth wash, I can still taste her on my tongue.

I start taking my jeans off, wanting to get myself into something more loose, and something crinkles in my pocket.

The ultrasound images.

My gaze tracks over them, trying to make out every possible detail I can, and I shake my head in frustration. I was supposed to be there, should’ve been there. She needed someone at her side, and I chose not to show up.

She must think the worst of me.

What were her words again?You’re nothing like the man I thought you were.

I’m not even sure what kind of man I am anymore. Not since I got a taste of what she felt like against me, the sounds she made as I brought her to a sweet release. I’ve done my best to steer clear of her, making sure nothing ever went further than where Dominic wanted it, and now that’s all gone to shit.

She’s carrying my child.Ourchild. I’m not going to be able to ignore that anymore.

I don’t want to ignore it.

If Dominic and I don’t have the same relationship we once did, I can’t let that keep me from being the father my child deserves to have. Casey needs me there with her, taking care of her along the way, and I’m not going to let anything keep me from being there. Not even my best friend.

What if we kept the truth from him for a little bit longer?

He asked about the father as if he already had an idea of who it was, so she must’ve given him some bullshit explanation that didn’t involve me. If I get back in touch with her and ask her to keep the ruse going, maybe that would give me time to let the idea of Casey and me set in with Dominic.

I could tell him that I’ve been feeling things for Casey that I want to explore. He’d be upset about it, for sure, but not as upset as finding out that I’m the one who got his sister pregnant because I couldn’t keep my hands off her.

She’s probably back at his place wondering what the hell is going on, how I might react toward her from now on, and I’m not sure even I could answer that for her. As much as I’m telling myself this could be something good, there’s still a part of me that wants to pull away from her.

I’m not even sure how many meetings I’ve canceled just this week alone because the idea of being in the same building as Casey didn’t sit right with me. Not when she’s going through all of this, and I couldn’t figure out where I want to be. But I know where I want to be now, and it’s about time I started showing her that.

I’ll pull more weight when it comes to Casey, which is why I call Fran from my phone. “Fran, could you do me a huge favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Could you make sure to use the company card to purchase small bottles of apple juice and put them into the fridge in the employee break room?”

“Um, sure, no problem. Can I ask why?”