My heart mends itself at Dominic’s words and I close my eyes, enjoying the peace of the moment before someone’s stomach rumbles loudly between the three of us. We each chuckle and pull away. “Let’s eat then,” I say.

When I turn around with the tray of sandwiches I made for lunch, my mouth tips into a smile at the sight of Dominic and Casey talking back and forth about the nursery. Ever since I showed Casey the room it’s the only thing she’s been able to talk about. It only fills me with pride that I could accomplish something like this for her.

I’m ready to see what this life together will bring us.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Hannahtextedmethismorning to let me know that someone switched shifts and I needed to come in earlier today, which sucks because I want nothing more than to relax on the couch all day. My stomach is the size of a watermelon and I’ve got a back that aches more than anything else. I’m desperate for a relaxing afternoon.

Emmett tried convincing me I didn’t need to work anymore, but I immediately objected to it. I’m not going to be one of those girls who relies on a man for money, even if I plan to spend the rest of my life with him. I am independent and I plan to stay that way – all I have to do is figure out where the hell my money is going to go.

The front door opens and Emmett walks in, his gaze traveling slowly down my body, before saying, “Hey, beautiful. How are my girls feeling?”

I scoff and rub my stomach. “My ribs are apparently a jungle gym and she’s having the time of her life in there.”

He smiles while sinking onto the couch, his hand falling onto the top of my stomach just as it does every day. I’ll never get over the love in his eyes every time our daughter kicks into his hand. They’re going to be closer than ever as she gets older and I’m here for it. “How’s your back feeling, baby?”

“Not worse or any better, kinda the same. Hannah said I need to go in for an earlier shift today, someone else had to switch with me for personal reasons.”

He sighs and darts his gaze away from mine. Usually he wants to say something about me working so much and taking shifts that I don’t need, which is probably why he doesn’t want to look me in the eye right now. “Are you sure you want to go? I’d hate for your back to ache more when you get home later.”

“I’ll be fine, Emmett, I promise. There’s no one else to take over for the new girl anyway, so I’ve got to suck it up.” I lean back against him, bending my legs as far as they’ll go and curling into his body. “God, you make everything better.”

I lean forward when he pushes his hand against the bottom of my back, where most of the pain is occurring, and sigh contentedly into the empty room. “Is this what you needed, beautiful?” He asks, brushing my hair over my shoulder as he makes his way further up my back. I’m never letting this man go, that’s all I know. Not only does he know how to work his hands on my pussy, but he’s got magic fingers as he kneads the tight muscles.

When he pulls away and slips out from behind me, I frown at him. “Sorry, baby, I just came by to give you lunch. I love you.” His lips press against mine in a quick kiss and I glare at his back as it disappears out the front door. Normally he takes a few minutes or so to hang out, catch up on our days, but apparently he has somewhere else to be.

I run my hands through my hair, gagging at the slick feel to it, then lift from the couch. It’s not often that I can’t recall the last time I showered, but the sigh I release when I step under the hot spray of water is enough of a clue as to how long it’s been this time. Standing in the shower only hurts my back more, so I normally opt for a bathtub, but a quick wash is all I need right now.

Plus, I need to be fresh and clean for work today if I want people to not be appalled by my presence. My black uniform is laying out on the bed when I walk outside the bathroom and I quickly pull it over my still damp legs, not caring that I’m not completely dry. The fabric sticks to my skin, but I ignore it and head back into the bathroom to do something with myself.

Within an hour I’m ready to head out, although my back is begging me to sit back down on the couch. I’m half-tempted to find my phone and tell Hannah I can’t go in, lounge at home like I planned, but then I’d be going against my word to her. I’ll deal with the repercussions later, right now they need me to come in.

I send a quick text to Emmett, letting him know that I’m on my way to the casino for the early shift, then place my phone in the cup holder for easier access if needed. It should only take me a few minutes to get to the parking lot and I’m surprised at the amount of cars there when I arrive. I’m not used to seeing this many people early in the day and it makes me wonder what’s going on.

Is there a bachelor or bachelorette party that someone forgot to mention? God, the idea of rushing around the room trying to fulfill orders for a rowdy group of men or women makes me groan to myself. My swollen feet are snug in my shoes, but hopefully the swelling will go down as the day gets further along.

Denny, one of my favorite securities guards, rushes over to the door with a big smile and holds the door open for me. “Miss St. James, always lovely to see you.”

“You, too, Denny, how’s your day going?” I’m hoping he’ll give me an idea of what the crowd is like, but before he can answer Hannah steps out into the entrance with a small smile. “Hannah, what are you doing here?” Maybe both people on the day shift had to switch us.

She hooks her arm through mine and pulls me forward, flashing a bright smile at Denny along the way. There’s a lightness about her that I’ve never seen before and it has me studying the side of her face.

“Don’t be angry with me, this was all their idea,” she says quickly before pulling away from me, leaving me standing alone in confusion.

Until the lights turn on and everyone jumps out of hiding. Everywhere I look there’s pink and gold decorations, with a table set up in the middle of the floor that is already filled to the brim with gifts. My mouth drops open, staring at each of the people scattered throughout the place, until my gaze collides with the one man who sends my heart racing like a horse.

Emmett comes to a stop in front of me, hands shoved into his pants pocket while he glances around. “Did we do good?”

We? I nod with a big smile, my eyes stinging with tears – something I love to do a lot of. “This is amazing, how long have you been planning this?” I walk over to the dessert table and shove a mini brownie bite into my mouth, a rough moan escaping my throat as the rich chocolate envelopes my tastebuds.

I glance over at Emmett, waiting for him to respond, and catch his hand hanging discreetly in front of him. He smiles. “Since we found out we’re having a girl. It wasn’t just my idea though. Dominic called me a while back and asked if I’d help with a baby shower. There was no way I’d let him do it alone.” My pulse jumps when he brushes his lips over it. “Go enjoy yourself, baby. Relax as much as possible while you mingle with everyone.”

Which is exactly what I do, laughing and smiling with everyone I’ve come to know at the casino and enjoying the happiness that flows through me. Our daughter kicks me in the ribs, forcing me to wince, and it makes the entire place go silent. I smile, cheeks heating, and wave them off. “Everything’s fine, guys.”

The rest of the afternoon is filled with opening gifts, eating cake, and playing games with all my friends and family. Emmett didn’t waste any time making sure things were set up right for me and the idea that Dominic helped him only makes it that much sweeter. Things are going to be looking up for us once we have our little girl and the idea I’m going to be able to hold her in my arms soon has a tear falling down my cheek.