Thisisit.There’sno way, with the anger thumping inside of me, that I’m going to be able to hold anything in. Dominic holds the door open for me and patiently waits for Casey to step through before slamming it shut behind us. I twitch when Casey jumps, the need to comfort her close to taking over, but my best friend clearing his throat steals my attention.

“What was that?” He asks, anger flashing in his eyes.

I shrug, trying my hardest not to admit the truth, but it’s useless. Did Casey and I really think we could continue to get away with it? How much longer were we going to live in this drama free bubble? It’s time that Dominic knew everything.

When I glance at Casey, her eyes are focused on the floor beneath us and she chews on her fingernails as the nerves rattle through her. If I had known the moment in my office was going to be the last one I would’ve taken my time with her, committed every single inch of her skin to memory before letting her go.

“Well, is someone going to answer me?” Dominic asks loudly, his gaze darting between Casey and I.

“There’s something you need to know, Dom.”

He frowns. “What is it?” His gaze snaps to Casey and he points to the front door. “Did that fucker do something to you tonight?”

“No, Dom, he didn’t do anything.” I sigh, wishing this could’ve happened at a better place and time. “Casey and I have been seeing each other.”

Dominic blinks once, twice, then his face turns. “Sorry, what?” His hands are clenched at his side and I know what’s going to come next, but that’s not going to stop me from telling him the truth. Not anymore.

“I’ve been spending time with Casey, but that’s not all.”

Casey’s chest doesn’t even rise with a breath when I stare at her for a moment, as if she’s holding it until I’m done, and Dominic growls out, “What the hell does that mean?”

“It’s mine,” I mumble.

“What are you talking about?”

Casey sniffles, the sound spearing me right through the chest, but I keep my feet in place a few feet away from her. If Dominic hits me, I don’t want her near me when he does. I take a deep breath, hoping that the look I give my best friend conveys how sorry I am, then say, “I’m the father, Dom. The baby is mine.”

He laughs, thinking it’s a joke, but when neither Casey nor I join in with him it flips to something much more terrifying. Before I have time to explain everything to him, he’s taking long strides over to me and punching me in the mouth. Blood spills from the corner of my lip and I wipe it away, looking at Dominic and finding the betrayal shining back at me.

I did this. It was the only thing he had ever asked of me – don’t touch his sister – and I ignored it.

“Dom,” Casey cries. “Stop.”

He glares at her over his shoulder. “Stay out of it, Casey.”

“Don’t talk to her like that,” I spit out.

“You knew how I felt,” Dominic says angrily. “And you still did the one thing I had asked you not to… how could you?” He looks at Casey and shakes his head. “I never thought that this would be a problem. Get out of my house, Emmett, now.”

A tear falls down Casey’s cheek as he storms away from us and she hollers out his name, only to be met with the slamming of his bedroom door. I move closer to her slowly, my hand brushing lightly over her skin, and she flinches away from me. “You need to go. This was a mistake and it never should’ve gone this far.”

My heart cracks when she pulls away and sobs while heading toward the guest room she’s staying in. I feel the sting of tears threatening to come out and quickly push out of the front door without a word, hating that this is what my decision has come to. Casey was so easy to please that I let everything else fall into the back of my mind, not caring what the repercussions were of our actions.

Now I’m alone.

Dominic wants nothing to do with me and Casey can’t even look me in the eye. I walk down the paved sidewalk, eyeing the spot where Michael was lying minutes ago, and curse at myself for letting him get away. He seems like the type who would go snitching on someone.

Look at me.

Twice in one day I had to go defending Casey, even though she didn’t ask for it. When I saw Michael standing there, trying to get her to give him another chance, I couldn’t bear to watch her accept it. My jealousy took over and I lost all control, my crazy coming out just as it seems to do when Casey is involved.

Everything is tense and silent when I slip into the front seat of my car.

Dominic didn’t even give Casey the chance to talk, choosing instead to ignore her and that only infuriates me further. My priority should be that I may have lost the best friend I’ve ever had and it’s not – which goes to show how deep these feelings run for Casey. I only hope that if he and I can’t mend what I broke tonight, that he and Casey will be able to.

Maybe eventually things will be calm enough that we can try something together for real, with Dominic’s blessing. Then again, what reason would Dominic have to accept it? I’ve never shown him that I care for Casey, all he knows is that I barely look at her. It makes me wonder if his view of things would change if he knew where my head is at with everything.
