I run a hand through my hair and sigh. “It’s complicated.”

“Do you love her?”

That’s a question I’m not sure I can answer right now. My heart is screaming for me to say yes, but Dominic’s voice in the back of my mind is keeping me from letting the simple word escape. Each night that Casey knocks on my door it only brings my feelings closer to the surface. I’ve spent more times than I can count wondering what it would be like if she stayed the night in my bed and let me cook breakfast for her, like real couples would do, but I quickly shove it away when I remember this isn’t real.

She’s only coming to me for pleasure and nothing more, she made it perfectly clear when she came to my place one night with her idea for us to be friends with benefits.

Me being the giant idiot I am, I accepted the terms of the arrangement without a thought because at least then I’d still be able to touch her. Taste her. Feel her body pressed perfectly against mine. Now though? I want more with her, but I don’t want to feel that sting of rejection or see the look of betrayal in Dominic’s eyes when he has to know we are together.

I clear my throat and glance at the computer, acting as if I have something I need to take care of, and give Fran a small smile. “I’m afraid I have to cut this conversation short, duty calls.” Anything to get her out of the office and my thoughts away from something I know I can’t have.

She nods slowly, standing from her spot in the chair, and gives me a sympathetic look. “Take it from someone who’s been there – don’t let the one who changes your world get away, no matter how much damage the relationship could cause. Some people are worth it.”

I watch her walk out of the office, the door shutting softly behind her, and a stunned expression on my face. I’ve never heard Fran talk about anything except work. It’s like she lives and breathes for this place and that’s what makes her one of my best employees. Is it wrong that I don’t know much about her life except for the obvious?


Dominic is leaning against his car when I pull in front of my house, his eyes fixed on me as I come to a stop beside him, and he cocks his head to the side when I slide out of the car. “Something’s different with you,” he mutters, running a finger under his chin while trying to figure me out. “You’re… happy?”

“Things have just been going great with the new casino builds. I’m excited to get them up and running.” It’s the best excuse I could come up with on the fly. I can’t exactly tell my best friend the real reason for my happiness. I shove my hands into my pockets and ask, “What are you doing here?”

“I thought maybe we could try going out again tonight, maybe without Casey this time. She said she already had plans, which has been happening a lot lately, so I came here.”

Every part of me should tell him no, since I know exactly what plans he’s talking about Casey having, but I know it’d be suspicious if I rejected the invitation. I nod and nudge my head toward the dark house in front of us. “Uh, sure, just let me change.” His footsteps follow behind me as I head up the front porch and unlock my door. “I’m not staying out all night, though. There’s a lot I need to get done in the morning. Early meetings and shit.”

And your sister in my bed all night, hopefully.

Clearly I don’t say that, but it’s on the tip of my tongue. I’m sick of keeping something this important from him and it’s killing me each time I hang out with him that he has no clue what’s going on behind closed doors. I drop my keys onto the stand beside the front door, then quickly head upstairs to my room before Dominic can find evidence of Casey being here lately.

I’m pulling the t-shirt over my torso when I take the final step downstairs and Dominic is looking out my back window curiously, staring into the pool lights. He turns to me with a smirk. “Looks like you’ve been having some fun.”

I shake my head. “Not exactly.”

He throws his hands up in the air and chuckles. “Don’t worry, man, I won’t bust your balls about it tonight. Let’s just go have some fun and maybe you’ll find someone else to take in the pool.”

I snap my gaze to the glass doors and I catch the towels Casey and I left out, then mentally curse at myself. At least it’s nothing that can make him aware of the woman who was really in the water with me, rocking her hips against my aching cock while bringing herself to a beautiful orgasm. The memory of our moment in the pool has my length twitching in my pants and I quickly turn away from my best friend before he can see the evidence of my desire. Tonight is going to be fucking hell, that much I know.

“Let’s head out before it gets too late,” I mutter, snatching my keys off the stand and heading back out the front door.

Dominic opens his door and gives me a head nod. “Meet you there.” His tires squeal as he pulls away, sending dirt flying through the air, and I take a deep breath before pulling out behind him. The streets are packed as we turn onto the road that leads to the bar, forcing me to slam my foot on the brake as a group of women rush across the road.

Usually, I’d be eyeing each of them, trying to decide which woman would be the lucky one for the night, but I have no desire for that now. The only person who I can begin to think of is the one I shouldn’t be, especially in the company of her brother. I shake my head with a sigh and inch forward slowly, following the rhythm of traffic.

Dominic puts his turn signal on when we pull up to the parking lot, jerking his car to the left and finding an empty spot. I wait patiently for all the other cars to pass before following him and pulling into a space five cars past him. He’s already walking inside when I step out of the car, eager to see what the night holds for him, and all I can think is that I have a couple more hours before Casey shows up at my place.

Just as I step through the door, my phone vibrates with a text, and all the blood rushes straight to my cock. Casey sent me a picture of her in this tight lingerie, hand resting over her luscious breasts, and she’s got her teeth sunk into her lower lip with her ass pointed out provocatively. The most intoxicating part about her, though, is the small bump that’s starting to show, only making her that much more addicting.

Casey: Heard you were out tonight, thought I’d leave you with this. Hope you’ll make the right choice. ;)

As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one choice tonight.

I don’t respond, choosing instead to make my way through the crowd quickly and find Dominic throughout it. He’s leaning against one of the tables, his eyes shining as he flirts with a brunette in a short glittery dress, and I walk over to them slowly. The girl’s friend perks up when I get closer, her eyes raking over me, and I shiver at the unwanted attention.

Casey is the only one who gets to look at me that way.

The woman gives me a flirtatious smile and flips her bright red hair over a shoulder, angling her body closer to mine and leaning forward to give me a good view of her breasts. I don’t bother looking down, which she notices and pouts, but shakes the emotion away. “Hi there, I’m Peyton.”

I nod in greeting and give her a friendly smile, hoping she can sense that this is nothing more than a simple conversation. “Emmett.”