I’m gasping for air as the moment comes to an end, sweat covering my entire body, and I whimper when he pulls out of me. I lift on the bed, but fall back and let the exhaustion take over for a split second. The air coming from the window makes the sweat stick to my body, and I groan, watching as Emmett heads into the bathroom. Seconds later, the shower turns on, and the steam that pours out the door instantly makes me wish I could be in there too.

As if reading my mind, Emmett pops his head out the doorway and beckons me forward. “Come shower with me.” He’s probably thinking the same thing I am. If this is the only night we have together, we may as well make the most of it, and saving water seems like a good way to do that.

I don’t waste any time getting up from the bed and walking over to him, suddenly nervous being in front of him like this. The daze is starting to fade, and I’ve got this crazy need to run out of here before he looks at me the same way he always has. When I look at him through the mirror, his gaze is nowhere near me and instead, it’s on the floor.

My stomach rolls with regret, and I take a shaky breath before running out of the bathroom, making sure to grab my discarded clothes along the way. I’m not sure what the hell I’m doing, but I can’t stand in here another minute. I’ve never felt anything as all consuming as when I was with him, and now he can’t even look at me?

I’ll pass on that.

I’m not sure what I’ll tell Dominic when I walk into his house, but hopefully, he’ll believe that I made a mistake with some random guy at the club. Considering everything that’s happened recently, he should believe it well enough.

When I slip into the backseat of the cab and rattle off my brother’s address to the driver, I groan loudly and fling my head back into the seat. What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never been as careless as I was tonight. Even knowing that, I wouldn’t do it any different. My body felt things tonight that it’s never felt before, the only issue is that it all happened with Dominic’s best friend.

The one person he’s constantly warning me away from.

What would he think if he knew what happened tonight?

I shake the question away. He’s never going to find out. This was a one-time thing, and it will never happen again. If I don’t stick to that, I have no doubt Emmett will make sure it stays that way.

When the cab pulls in front of Dominic’s, I hand a few bills to my driver as a tip, then get out of the car. My phone is silent, which is a relief at the moment because I’m not sure I could hold myself together if I had a text from Emmett waiting for me.

Did I really expect anything different, though?

He didn’t even bother trying to stop me when I left. He just hopped right into the shower and went about his business as if nothing had happened.

I shake my head and growl in frustration. It was one night.

One earth-shattering, otherworldly, orgasmic kind of night.

There’s no reason I need to keep thinking about his reaction to me, especially not when I get to Dominic’s front door.

As soon as I step through the door, he’s getting up from his large sectional sofa and rushing over to me with a frown. “Casey, where the hell were you? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours.”

“Not sure you want to know that,” I mutter, tripping over my feet as I take a step forward. His hands catch me from cracking my head on the corner of an end table. A chuckle slips from my throat because that’s my go-to response when everything goes to shit for me and he scrunches his nose.

“Were you drinking?”

“Of course I was!” He flinches at my harsh tone, and I pull from his grip, waving my hands around us. “I’m living with my brother because I caught the man who was supposed to be my husband with his pants down with one of my closest friends. The first place I ran off to was a damn club.”

I leave out the tidbit that I also went home with his best friend and had mind-blowing sex with him that I’m sure will never leave my mind anytime soon.

Now to just get through being around him until I find the strength to leave this damn city… should be easy.

Chapter Two


WhatthehelldidI do last night?

That’s the only thing I can think of as I get ready for the day, my mind replaying every moment that happened with Casey the night before. How glorious her curves felt beneath my fingertips and the sound of her screams as she came. Just the thought of it has my dick standing at attention, and I groan, hating that the thoughts of my best friend’s sister is making me ache with need.

It took everything in me not to follow her through my house last night, demanding that she get back inside, but I knew that wouldn’t be the right move. I couldn’t even look at her once the moment came to a crashing close, sick to my stomach that I would let something like that happen. But I also can’t deny how amazing she felt, how responsive she was to me and eager for more.

I pull up to one of my casinos with a deep breath and make my way inside, heading straight for my office. Dominic is sitting in one of the leather chairs in front of my desk, tapping his fingers nervously on the arms, and he stands as soon as the door clicks shut behind me.

“Dom,” I say, trying to make sure my voice doesn’t waver.

Casey wouldn’t have told him about last night, would she?