All I know is that ever since I had a taste of Casey, I haven’t been the same since. I spend most nights thinking about her and most days wanting to be near her on the floor, going as far as poking my head into the room randomly just to get a glimpse, and I know that’s not normal.

At least, it wasn’t.

What if this is more than Casey and I thought it would be?

The thought scares and thrills me at the same time, and I don’t know what to do about that.

Chapter Seven


Yougotthis,Casey.Just walk through the doors and check-in. I’ve been giving myself the same pep talk for the last ten minutes outside the doctors office, which has gotten me nowhere since I still have yet to move and my appointment is scheduled in five more minutes.

I’m nervous.

I texted Emmett as soon as I made the appointment, letting him know when and where it was, and now I’m about to walk through the doors to see if he showed up. I’m not counting on it, but I can’t stop the hope seeping through me that he’ll be sitting in one of the chairs. If the nearly deserted parking lot is any indication, and no sign of one of Emmett’s fancy cars – other than the one he so generously lended to me – I’m banking on him not being here.

It’s likely he won’t show up at all.

Dominic tried insisting that he come with me after I finally managed to tell him why I’ve been getting sick so much lately, but I couldn’t risk Emmett being here so I decided to come alone. Terrible decision really, since Emmett clearly isn’t going to show up.

Was I stupid to think that he’d have a better head about all this? It’s been weeks, and he hasn’t so much as called me to his office. I knew that he’d need a little bit of time to figure everything out, but I didn’t expect him to take this much time.

Can I really blame him for that though?

I glance at the digital clock on the touchscreen and groan loudly, then push out of the car and head toward the front entrance of the office building. I’m momentarily stunned at the women sitting in the waiting room – some with hands over their large bellies and others probably as short into the pregnancy as I am – and I shake my head before heading toward the check-in counter.

A elderly woman is sitting in the chair behind it and she gives me a wide smile when I walk up. “What’s your name, dear?”

“Uh, Casey St. James, my appointment is in a few minutes.”

She nods as she scrolls through the computer, then hands me a clipboard to sign my name on before sliding another clipboard with a stack of papers on it. “If you could fill these out before you head in, that would be great. Do you have an insurance card?”

Thankfully, Emmett offers insurance to his employees, so I reach into my purse to grab the insurance card with shaky hands and grab the stack of papers with a pen. I walk through the waiting room, eyes darting around the room at all the other women sitting inside and the men sitting next to them, and my heart burns with the realization that I may never get to have that.

Would Emmett really choose to act like this didn’t happen?

Ten minutes later, once my name is called, I sit the clipboard of information on the counter in front of the woman and follow the nurse through the long hallways. My breaths are ragged as she leads me into an empty exam room, smiling at me along the way. “Is this your first?” she asks.

Am I being that obvious?

I chuckle. “Uh, yeah.”

She nods. “Don’t worry, everyone is nervous the first time around. Let’s see how your little bean is doing though. First, we’ll get your weight, blood pressure, and a urine sample – this will happen at every appointment – then, the doctor will be in to see you.”

“Great,” I say nervously.

What if the baby isn’t okay? I’m sitting here, alone, and something could go terribly wrong. If Emmett were here, at least I’d have someone at my side in case of bad news. The nurse hands me a plastic cup, the same as they did at the doctor’s office last month, and leads me to the open door of the bathroom.

“There’s a door, just sit the sample inside when you’re ready,” she says before walking over to the long counter across the hall.

Guess it’s a good thing I have to pee.

It only takes me a few minutes to get the sample for her, then I step out into the hall with a small smile and she walks me back to the exam room. “I’ll let the doctor know you’re ready, she’ll be in shortly. Please undress from the waist down.” She pulls a thin sheet of paper from a cabinet and hands it to me, chuckling at the look of confusion I’m giving her. “Drape this over your lap once you undress.”

“Thank you,” I mumble, then wait until she leaves the room to stand and remove my clothing. My phone pings with a text, my heart leaping at the idea of Emmett getting in touch with me, but my shoulders deflate when I see Dominic’s name on the screen.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother, but this isn’t exactly a time for him to be the one texting me. I’m about to pull up Emmett’s contact when there’s a light knock on the door and a woman walks through the room, a bright smile on her face.