I’m not sure what’s happening to me with her, but I need to get a handle on it before things go further south.

Chapter Five


It’sbeenhell.I’mnot sure which is worse – the fact that I’ve been throwing up everything I’ve eaten the last few days or the pounding migraine I’ve had all day. I had to go as far as pulling the blinds shut so the sun wouldn’t make everything worse.

I groan when there’s a knock on the door, and my eyes widen at Emmett’s large frame standing outside. He holds a bag in the air, the scent wafting in front of me, and I feel my stomach roll. His footsteps follow me as I rush through the house, making it to the toilet just in time. I’m more dry heaving than anything, since my stomach is empty at this point.

When I fall back onto the bathroom floor, Emmett’s standing in the doorway with a frown. He cocks his head to the side and asks, “Casey, are you okay?”


He walks slowly into the room and kneels beside me, brushing my hair back and reaching onto the sink for a random ponytail holder, then twists it on top of my head. “Go relax, do you want me to heat soup up for you?”

I groan at the thought and shake my head. “No, thanks. I wouldn’t be able to keep it down.”

I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I’m sick, but a chill runs through me as he places a hand on my back and wraps an arm around my waist to lift me from the floor. “Have you rested today?”

“That’s all I’ve been doing. I feel like shit.”

Emmett chuckles while carrying me into the living room, depositing me onto the sofa, and covering me with a warm blanket. “Well, let me help you.” He walks away from me, his footsteps getting further away until I can’t hear them anymore. After a few minutes, he comes back into the living room with a small smile on his face and holds a hand out to me. “Come with me.”

Even though I don’t have the energy, and he just sat me down, I let him help me back off the couch and through the long hallway ahead. He pushes open the bathroom door, and my breath hitches at the sight in front of me. Bubbles are overflowing in the tub, the water still running hot, and I look over at him with a frown.

“What’s all this for?”

He shrugs, running a hand through his hair nervously. “I thought you might like to relax in the tub, is that okay?”

More than okay, but I’m not about to admit that.

I nod, smiling at the way he’s caring for me. “It’s perfect.”

“I’ll let you relax, just holler if you need me for anything.” His eyes trail over my body, heat shining in them, then he quickly darts the gaze away from me. “Enjoy your bath.”

Even sick this man still gets a reaction out of me. I peel the clothes from my body, catching a whiff of them and scrunching my nose in disgust. A bath is exactly what I need right now, apparently.

What would have made him come here in the first place and do all this for me? It’s obvious he tried bringing me something to eat as well, then he runs this bath for me, and he’s just going to sit out in the living room waiting for me?

The idea that he cares has my heart beating wildly in my chest.


After a week of throwing up nearly every day, I figured it’s time for me to get to the bottom of what the hell is wrong with me. I fill the form out for the doctor’s, checking everything I need, and walk it over to the young woman sitting in front of the frosted glass window. She gives me a large smile, and takes the forms from me before sending me back to sit and wait.

It’s only about twenty minutes before someone calls my name and leads me into the back. The exam room reeks of bleach and I gag while covering my nose.

“What seems to be the problem, Miss St. James?”

“I’ve been throwing up almost every day for the last week so I just want to figure out what’s going on.” Considering I rarely throw up once a year, this many times in one week is a little nerve wracking for me.

The nurse nods with a smile and wraps the blood pressure cuff around my arm. “Well, let’s get it all figured out for you.” When she finishes with that, she spins around and hands me a small plastic cup. “Think you could give me a urine sample?”

“Sure thing.”

She leads me out the exam room door and points across the hall. “There’s a door inside, just put it in there whenever you’re done, and hopefully we’ll get this figured out for you.”

It takes a little bit, but eventually, the nurse pushes back through the door and sighs. “Well, sweetie, we figured it out.” She holds the papers out to me with a smile. “Congratulations are in order.”