Page 94 of Soaring Hearts

Wyatt’slips met hers, a gentle caress, feathery as a butterfly’s wings.Shefelt the tip of his tongue make contact with her own, sparking a kaleidoscope of color behind her closed lids.

Nowthe tender brush ofWyatt’skiss turned fiery, a building passion igniting within her.Lilyset her hands on the back of his head, digging her fingers intoWyatt’sthick mane, drawing him ever closer, melting into him.Hisarms wrapped around her, pulling her into an embrace that felt like home.

Whenthey finally parted, their foreheads resting gently against each other, they shared a smile.Lilyset a hand onWyatt’sbroad chest, his heartbeat racing beneath her fingertips.

WhenWyattfinally spoke, his voice was sultry, thick with desire. “I’vebeen waiting a very long time for that.”

“Wasit worth it?”Lilyasked, still in a daze.

Wyatt'sface turned pensive. “I’mnot sure.We’dbetter try again just to be certain.”

Andthey did.


BysomeNewYorkmiracle, the cabbie was still waiting, givingLilyandWyatta knowing glance and open smile.Perhaps,Lilythought, there were more hopeless romantics in the city than one would expect.

HedroveLilyandWyatttoJilly’splace.Aspromised,Wyattdoubled the fare, tacking on a generous tip.

Jillyhad a table set for four.Abottle of champagne leaned inside an ice bucket beside four glass flutes and a familiar-looking cake.

Jilly’shair was back to pink.ApparentlyRajiwas a fan.

RajipumpedWyatt’shand. “Niceto finally meet the infamous cowboy who lassoedLily’sheart.”Hesmiled. “Punmost definitely intended.”

Lilyshed her still-damp jacket and was about to introduce them all whenJillysaid toWyatt, “Lookslike the scheme went off without a hitch.”Thenshe hugged him.

Lilylooked from her sister toWyatt. “Youtwo were in cahoots?” she asked, amazed.

Jillygrinned. “Wyatttracked me down through social media.Hetold me he wanted to surprise you.”

WyattliftedLily’shand to his lips. “Iwaited in the rain outside your office building for twenty minutes until you came out.”

Lilywas speechless.

Onceeveryone was seated,JillyaskedWyatt, “Howabout a slice of our mother’s famous chocolate cake?Ionly make it for special occasions.”Shegrinned, remindingLilyso much of their mother.

“Inever say no to chocolate.”

“Ilike you already,”Jillysaid, cutting a generous slice.ToLily, she said, “Tellus everything.Don’tleave out a single detail.”

Anhour later, the cake was gone, the champagne bottle drained.Thefoursome were seated in the tiny living room.Lilywas leaning againstWyatt’schest, coming up for air after sharing all that happened that day.

Jillysaid, “I’mso proud of you,Lil.”Then, “Ihate to put a damper on the moment but what are you going to do now that you got the promotion?You’reinNewYorkandWyattlives inColorado.”

Otherthan the earth-shattering kiss, it was allLilycould think of on the cab ride home.

Theothers must have sensed her worry.Wyattsqueezed her shoulder, holding her near. “Onestep at a time.Forthe right person, mountains can be moved.”Hespoke with a confidence she couldn't muster. “Right,Lily?”

“Right,” she said, fully aware that neither one of them had any clue what that actually meant.

* * *


Lilybrought theAlaska-shaped burgers to the table, glad to be back insideWyatt'stoasty house.Itwas freezing out there.

Louwas the first taker, smothering his patty with an inch-thick layer of ketchup, squeezing the last ounce out of the bottle.Wyatt’sparents helped themselves as well.Lilywas grateful to be spending quality time with them.