Page 45 of Soaring Hearts

Lilypaled, felt her muscles tightening. “Um. . .”

Loulooked on in concern. “Areyou all right?”

Lilystood and motioned him to join her, hoping no one had overheard him.

Loufollowed her to the front of the house.

Shewhispered. “Imoved out here for my job.”

Hetilted his head, as if working out a puzzle.Alightbulb went off. “Wait, are you representing theshopping mall?”

Shesucked in her lips, nodding, glumly. “That'sme.TheresidentBenedictaArnold.Ihaven’t had a chance to . . .”Shestopped herself.

Louplaced an encouraging hand on hers.

Lilysaid, “Ihaven’t said anything toWyattor anyone else.”Exceptthe mayor.

JoeyandWyatt’svoices carried over.Theywere arguing about something related to the grill.Seemsthey didn’t realize the guest of honor had arrived.

Lousaid, “Lilydear, canIshare something with you?Somethingpersonal.”


“Manyyears ago whenIwas just about your age,Imade a dreadful mistake.OnethatI’mstill paying the price for.Unfortunately, money can’t fix this.Ifit could,Iwould use up my last cent to do so.”

Hehad her full attention. “Whatdid you do?”

“Ideceived someone, a womanIwas deeply in love with.Itwas a secretIthoughtIneeded to keep in order to be with her.”

Lilywaited whileLoupulled his thoughts together.

Helooked over her shoulder, off into the past. “Seeingher face fall when she learned the truth.Watchingthe tears stream down her face.Itremains the worst day of my life.”

Whenno more was forthcoming,Lilygot the message. “Idon’t know how to tell him.Itseems like the window of opportunity has closed.Hemay not forgive me.”

“Ifthere’s one thingI’velearned and have done my best to teach my own daughter is that even if you will pay handsomely for it, honesty is always the best policy.”

“Who’sready for an incredibly ugly but delish burger?”Wyattannounced, walking in, red-faced and upbeat. “Lou!Soglad you could make it.”

Hiseyes landed onLily, his voice soft as rose petals. “Lily.”

Lilyfelt a flutter in her belly. “Hi,Wyatt.”

Joeycame barreling down the steps.Hemust have passed by without her realizing.Sureenough, he was wearing aRockiesjersey and ball cap.HegrabbedLou’shand, shaking it repeatedly. “Welcometo our home,Mr.Galindo.Whenwe’re done eating,Igotta show you the team’s baby onesieIordered.”

Theserious vibe had turned comical.

LougaveLilya firm stare, telepathically reminding her of his message.Hethen offered his arm whichLilytook. “Comeon, m’lady.Let’sgo eat.”


TheSomersfamily was a rowdy bunch, even withPammystill upstairs.Joeysaid she needed a few minutes to lie down but would join the group soon.Onceseated at the table,Wyatt’sdad,Sam, showed up.Abroad-shouldered man with a military bearing,Lilycould see where theSomersboys got their good looks.

Hehad seemingly been notified in advance ofLou’spresence.WhenJoeymade the introductions and got up to help serve,Samusurped his seat and chatted upLou.Thetwo were getting on well.

Lilysipped herBreckLager.Joeysaid it was from a local microbrewery.Delish.Shewas trying hard to relax, enjoy the scene.Family, friends, good food.

Shetook a bite of her burger, a smashed piece of meat that looked bizarrely like the state ofNewYorkwithoutLongIsland.TruetoWyatt’sword, it was both the ugliest and one of the tastiest she’d ever eaten.