Page 4 of Soaring Hearts


Peterwas now looking right at her, curiosity gradually growing in his eyes. “Huh?”

“I’mgoing for the summer to manage an important real estate transaction.”


“Breckenridge.It’sa town inColorado.I’veresearched it last night.Lookslike a storybook mountain village.Theonline photos are breathtaking.”

Peterfurrowed his brow as if trying to assess if this was a practical joke. “You’reserious?”

Shenodded.Thewaiter came over. “Readyto order the entrée?Wehave several exquisite specialsIcan tell you about.”

Peterfrowned at the waiter. “Giveus a minute, please.”

Lilyfinally hadPeter’sattention. “I’dlove for you to come with me.Thefirm is paying for accommodations and my expenses.It’sgoing to be an adventure.”

“You’releaving for an adventure?”

“Well, not exactly.It’san amazing career opportunity.IfIclose the deal byLaborDay,I’ma shoo-in for that promotion.”

Peternodded slowly.Sheknew the career angle was somethingPetercould relate to.

“Ithought this dinner was heading in a different direction,” he said, subconsciously patting his jacket pocket.

Lilyswallowed hard, feigning ignorance as best she could.Fiveyears was a significant milestone, both aware things couldn’t stay static much longer.Theyhad personal goals to meet.Marriage, kids.Overthe years, they’d touched on the big topics, both relieved they were on the same timeline.Untilnow.

Sherefused to focus on what was in his pocket.

“Wehad a plan,Lily.Fiveyears dating then get engaged, married nextSpring, start trying for a family.”

Thewaiter approached.ThelookPetergave him was enough to make him do a one-eighty.

“Iknow.Thisopportunity came out of nowhere.Whynot come with me?Youmight really enjoy it.I’msure your boss will have no issue with you working remotely.”

Peterlooked away, then down.Asif noticing his soup for the first time, he lifted his spoon, then placed it back down. “YouknowIcan’t do that.”

Apang of nerves. “Can’tor won’t?”

Lilyknew she wasn’t being fair.Peterwas a city dweller.Hethrived on the energy emanating off the pavement, the sheer crush of people.Shecleared her throat. “Sorry.I’mnot sure what to say.”

“Howabout that you won’t go?”

ItwasLily’sturn to break eye contact. “Imade a commitment.”Shetook a long draw of her wine.Swallowingit down, she caughtPeter’sgaze once again, the pain in his eyes nearly changing her mind.

Shouldersslumped, he stood. “SodidI,Lily.”Andwith that,Peterwalked away.

* * *

“Hejust up and left?”Jillyasked, now occupyingPeter’schair.Lily’slittle sister’sPepto-Bismolpink-tinged hair matched her feathery top. “Youknow whatMomwould say about that.”

“Loo, loo, loser.”


Itwas a stroke of good fortune whenJillytextedLily, asking what she was up to moments afterPeterleft her sitting alone in stunned silence.Jillylived a half mile away.Shetexted back, asking her to join her.Sevenminutes afterPeterleft,Jillywas blessedly in his place.

“Peteris not a loser.He’shurt,” she said, at a loss as to what had just happened between them.