Page 88 of Soaring Hearts

Lilywatched a beat-up orangeBeetleinch forward.Awarmth filled her as she saw her sister’s hand waving wildly out the driver’s side window.

Theconstruction atLaGuardiaAirporthad to be the most dragged out project inNewYorkhistory.Thecontrast to the speed of theBreckenridgeproperty was stark.She’dmade a quick stop at the site before packing up her things.Thehole in the ground was now big enough for a large building.Itpained her to know the three-sixty views would soon be marred by the gargantuan edifice.

Jillypulled over, and leaving the car running, bolted out, pullingLilyin for a tight hug.

“What’sall this about?”Lilyasked, allowing herself to melt into the embrace.

SinceRajihad come into her life,Jillyseemed far more open with her affection.

“I’mjust really happy to see you,”Jillysaid, letting go.

Lilysmiled, her face muscles no longer used to the upward movement of her lips. “Thanksfor picking me up.”

Lilytossed her bag into the trunk.Somethingback there cracked. “Oops.”



“Yep, it's like a guitar,Indian-style.Iforgot it was back here.Itneeded repair.Worstcase, he has three more.”

“Um, okay.”

SoundedlikeJillyhad met her match.Thesitar madeLilythink ofWyatton stage inBreckenridge, calling her name.

Jillygot behind the wheel,Lilytaking the seat beside her.

“Youshould thankRajifor letting me borrow his car,”Jillysaid, pulling into traffic.

Thevehicle looked like aFrankensteinianversion of the hip sixtiesVolkswagen.Lilysearched for the seat belt, finding the frayed thing entrenched beneath her seat.Atleast theA/Cworked. “Car?Isthat what this is?”

Jillysmirked. “Don’tbite the hand that feeds you.”

“Yousound like mom.”

“Mayshe rest in peace,” they said, in unison.

Lilylooked at the scratched dash, the bright orange floor mats and sandalwood-scented tree dangling from the rearview mirror. “Momwould hate this car.”



“Amazing.Hewants to take me toIndiain the fall to meet his family.”

“Wow, things are getting serious.”

ThesmileJillygave toldLilyshe’d hit the nail on the head.

Itwas great being with her sister again.Especiallynow.

Overthe last few days, she’d been sluggish, the hurt still potent.Thethought that anyone would believe she was capable of bribingBillingswas like a knife to her gut.

Bynow,Wyattwould have seen it.Washe buying into the lie?


Hehadn't trusted her from the moment he learned who she worked for.