Page 78 of Soaring Hearts

Billingswas out.Actually, no one knew where he’d gone.Accordingto the article, several people had come forward with serious accusations that the mayor had given preferential treatment to those who made substantial contributions to his ‘charity.’Thosewho didn’t partake weren’t considered.Theywere calling it bribery.

Lily’sguess wasBillingswas now in the tropics sipping a coconut margarita, paid for with the charity’s proceeds.Surprisingly, her first reaction to the breaking news was anger on behalf ofWyattwho had trusted the man.

Beforefolding up the paper, an advertisement caughtLily’seye, making her smile.

Areyou a pain in the ass?Ifso, come join theAnnualBurroRace.You’llfit right in.

Catchy.Andextremely weird.Maybeshe’d check it out.

Lilydrained her mug, then hurried past the front desk in caseJameswas lurking behind it.

Outside, the air was crisp and invigorating.Itgave her a much-needed sense of optimism.

Shestarted the workday at the building site.Oneof the workers handed her a hard hat which she donned, yawning so loudly she startled the man.Afterthe shock of seeingPeteron what was essentially her doorstep, she had barely slept.

Itwas ridiculously late when she leftPeterbehind in the lobby of her hotel, accepting his word that he would find accommodations elsewhere.Sheneeded serious breathing room.

Jamesat the front desk did his best to undermine her efforts, making it clear there were available rooms.Hehad a bizarrely satisfied look on his face that said, ‘Iknow something you don’t and it’s a doozy.’

ButLilyshutJamesdown.Thelast thing she needed wasPeterhovering around.Shetold him in no uncertain terms that getting back together was not happening.Buthis face went blank when she said so, as if she were speaking a foreign language.

Onhis way out,Petertold her he would stick around “for a bit” and check in with her later.

JustwhenIthought things couldn’t get more complicated.

Lilytook pictures of the gaping hole in the ground, the building materials lined up neatly on the site’s periphery.Thefootprint would eventually be at least twenty times what she was looking at.

Surveyingthe surrounding forest, she considered all the wildlife that would soon need a new home.Likeshe would.Itmade her heart ache.

Lilytexted the photos toChelseawith the words,


Secondslater, she received a thumbs up emoji.Didthe woman ever take a break?

Lilychecked her schedule app.Thesafety inspector was coming soon to make an initial assessment.Shefound a log and sat down to wait.

* * *

Gayleopened her eyes,momentarily disoriented by the unfamiliar ceiling.Woodenbeams crisscrossed above her.Latemorning light streamed between the curtains onto the bedspread.Abear skin rug she hoped was faux, was spread out on the wood-planked floor.

Loushifted beside her, a groan of satisfaction escaping his lips.

Lastnight had been the sweetest she ever had, both of them so grateful to have found each other again.Murmursof love accompanied her through the evening.Shehadn’t known someone her age could feel like this.Asense of peace filled her.


Hissmile warmedGayledown to her toes. “Hello, sweetheart,” he said, before letting out a loud yawn. “Thatwas the most epic night of my life.”

Shepositioned herself on a bent arm, gazing down at the man she’d known and loved most of her life. “Mineas well.”

Lou’seyes scanned what was visible of her body among the sheets. “You’reexquisite,” he said, his voice bearing the hoarseness of morning and passion. “Iwant to enjoy this view every morning for the rest of my life.”

Gayleknew she must look a wreck but giggled like a schoolgirl.

Loveis truly blind, she mused.

“Whatshould we do today?”Louasked, caressing her cheek with the backs of his fingers.