Page 73 of Soaring Hearts

“Atthe risk of sounding like a crazy stalker,Iam never letting you out of my sight again.”

That’swhenGaylefinally understood.

Nomatter what else happened, she really would be okay.

* * *

Lilywalkedtwenty minutes to the main road, then waited another twenty for the shuttle.Bythe time the bus arrived, the sun had long since set.Shewas shivering but no longer angry.Theremaining emotion was disappointment with herself.

Whathad she been expecting?Whywould she thinkWyatt, a man she’d only recently met, would care about her predicament?

Thebus driver, an older man with a long white braid à laWillieNelson, met her eye in the rearview mirror, probably wondering why a woman was waiting at the shuttle stop alone at night, dressed only in shorts and a t-shirt.


Ifit weren’t for her feelings forWyatt, the whole project would be so much easier.Shewould have only needed to keep her head down, see that the builders stayed on schedule, and then leave town, a job well done.

Butit was not just aboutWyatt.

Shehad come to truly care for the residents ofBreckenridge.Salt-of-the-earth, hard-working people.Manyof whom had embraced her.Andwho she deceived.

Thebus pulled over at her stop in front of the hotel. “Havea good night,” the driver said. “I’msure everything with the mall will work out the way it should.”

Shethanked him, reminded once more how small the city was.Shehopped off the bus and went inside.Thesurfer dude was back, this time grinning at her, but not in a pleasant way. “Lookslike you’re less popular thanIam.”

Shedidn’t have the energy to argue.Hewas right after all.

Lilytook the elevator up to her floor and was pulling the room key from her pocket when she saw someone sitting on the floor outside her door, his head down on his knees.Herheart flipped. “Wyatt?”

Hishead lifted, creases from his pants etched into his cheek.Lilytook a step back.

“Hi,Lily.I’vebeen waiting here for two hours.”



* * *

Wyattcouldn’t believehe letLilywalk out the door alone like that.Hewas still beating himself up, trying for the third time to reach her by phone.Hiscalls went to voicemail.Thechecks alongside the texts were not turning blue, meaning she hadn’t seen them.

Hewanted to run after her but she was angry.Thelast thing she would want was for him to come to her aid.Notthat she needed it.She’dbe safe.ThiswasBreckenridge, notManhattan.

Unlessshe got lost in the dark.

She’sfine,he told himself.

HeheardPammy’shigh-pitched voice in his head.Areyou crazy letting her wander around alone at night?

Wyattcursed under his breath. “Holddown the fort,” he shouted toBernie, who lifted his head in judgement.

Wyattgrabbed his truck keys and ran for the door.


Gaylelooked around the house, trying to keep her jaw from dropping to the floor.Shetook in the soaring ceilings, enormous antler chandelier, and impressive stone fireplace. “Thisis your temporary place?”

SheknewLouhad made it big.Heand his brother had found success in a variety of businesses, the most notable being the purchase of theColoradoRockies.Butit didn’t hit home until just now.