Page 67 of Soaring Hearts

Lilyhung up,amazed atGayle’sgumption.Shewasn’t sure exactly how oldGaylewas but she was hovering around retirement age.Nowshe could do whatever she wanted.Shewas a free agent.

Sodifferent than me.

Lilyput the phone back in her pocket and watchedWyattfrom the doorway.Hewas surrounded by several middle school kids, sitting on the floor, hanging on his every word.

Inthe corner, two children were taking turns pettingBernie, who by the look on his face was in seventh heaven.

Lilywalked back inside.

Wyattaddressed the kids. “So, what did you think ofCharlieand theChocolateFactory?”

Hehad finished the last chapter moments before.Afterreading to them every week for the last few months.

“Itwas funny,” one boy said.Hewore a faded t-shirt and pants that only reached as far as his ankles.

“Iagree,Billy,”Wyattsaid.Lilyrealized the child must beRosie’sson, the woman fromTheRoadhouse.

Agirl with long dark braids said, “Ididn’t likeVerucaSalt.Shewas acting dumb.”

Wyattlistened to their answers like they were brilliant reviews.

Atthe end of the hour, a few kids came up toWyatt.Somehugged him, others fist-bumped.Helooked more relaxed here than she’d seen him since everything hit the fan.

Wyattcame over to her. “Hadfun?”

“Itwas wonderful.”Moresoftly, she said, “Youwere wonderful.I’mso gladIcame.Thanks.”

Ashy smile. “Don’tthank me.Thankyour crappy rental car.”

Lilylaughed. “Okay,Iwill, ifIever see it again.”

She’dcalled the car rental agency on the drive to the school.Theywould drop off a new car in the morning.

Wyattappeared to be mulling something over.Then, “Wannagrab a bite?I’mstarved.”

Lilyfollowed him out of the building and back to his truck.Severalparents were waiting in the lot.Afew waved atWyattwho responded in kind.

“Youjust downed two pounds ofPammy’schili.”

“Firstof all, that was over an hour ago.Andsecond,Ionly got halfway through the container before we had to leave.”

“Thatcontainer was enormous.”

Wyattgrinned. “Yourpoint?”

Lilyraised her hands in surrender. “Sure, why not?Underone condition.”

Hepaused, folding his arms, waiting.

“Aslong as we don’t discuss the mall.”Shestuck out a hand. “Agreed?”

Wyattlooked at her extended appendage for a beat, then shook it.

Shewas getting in the truck when she thought she heard him say, “Whatmall?”

* * *

Gaylewokeup bright and early, her body still on eastern time.Whichworked out well as she had signed up for a group hike.Herfirst ever.Theywere going to tackleCucumberGulch.Thedescription she found online said the trail was relatively flat and appropriate for all ages.