Page 56 of Soaring Hearts

“Sure,Ms.Randolph.We’llall see you later.Incourt.”

* * *

Louwalkedalong the main drag, past a street musician playing the guitar.


Heloved the bittersweet song.

Neara small playground, a magician was performing a card trick for a group of delighted children and their dollar-toting parents.

Linedwith cafes, boutiques, and art galleries, each with its own unique character,LouthoughtMainStreetwas one of the most charming and appealing parts ofBreckenridge.Thearoma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mixing with the sweet scent of pastries from a nearby bakery.

Hewas about to follow his nose into the bakery when he spottedWyattacross the street.Heraised his hand in greeting, a warm smile on his face, and called out, “Wyatt!How'sit going?”

Wyattlooked up, his face lighting up with recognition, and quickly crossed the street to joinLou. “Hey,Lou.It'sgood to see you again.”

Theyshook hands. “Thanksagain for a funFourth.”


Somethingwas off.

Loutook a closer look at the young man.Therewere faint lines etched around his eyes and mouth, signs of stress and exhaustion that hadn't been apparent the night before.Wyatt’sshoulders sagged slightly, as if carrying the weight of the world on his back.

“Areyou okay, son?”

Wyattlet out a small sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “It'sbeen a bit of a challenge, to be honest.”


“Idon’t want to weigh you down with it.Ihave a house to finish.Theguy’s a tyrant,” he said, an attempt at being funny.Itfell flat.

“Right.ButIknow the owner andI’mfairly certain he would be okay with a slight delay if you chose to share your woes.”

Wyattseemed to consider the offer.Thenwith a sad smile he said, “Howmuch time have you got?”

* * *

WyatttoldLoueverything that transpired since they’d seen each other the night before.Theman listened intently to his tale of a two-faced mayor, a project they were unlikely to thwart, and a woman who had been less than honest.Thoughhe left out how much it really hurt,Wyattsuspected it was glaringly obvious.Hisusual upbeat disposition had turned sullen.

Afterleaving the building site, he and the others agreed to hire an attorney.Butright now his heart wasn't in it.SeeingLilyas the target of an irate crowd, accused of unsubstantiated claims, he felt a moment's regret.Shelooked drained and overwhelmed.Whenthey finally spoke, he had been harsh, perhaps more so than necessary.

Ifonly she'd been truthful,he pondered, knowing it would likely not have mattered a whit.Shewas on the other side of the hotbed issue.Onehe would never abandon.

He'ddecided to grab a coffee and muffin in town before starting the workday.

NowWyattandLouwere sitting in the back ofJessie’sSweetSensations, sharing a slice of apple strudel.Awoman nearby gave herGoldenRetrievera small piece of cheese.Itreminded him ofBerniewho loved cheese . . . andLily.

Sincelast night, even the most inane things led back to thoughts ofLily.

Lilyin his arms, her head on his chest, her eyes at half-mast, her full lips but a kiss away.

“I’mreally sorry you’re going through all this,”Lousaid, pulling him from the reverie.


Wyattgestured forLouto take the last bite of cake.