“First of all, it’s a screw top,” he began skeptically and arched an eyebrow at her, smirking. “Secondly, is it actually safe to drink anything called ‘Kinky Pink’?”

“You’re kidding,” she laughed nervously.

“Nope,” he smiled at her. “Gideon came through, but this just makes me question Houghton’s alcohol choices. I told the man to get something light, fruity, and fit for my girl to drink. She doesn’t need hooch, beer, or whiskey. I wanted to have something here to help you relax if you were nervous.”

He looked at the bottle again and then poured two small glasses.

“It’s gonna be strong,” he warned, sniffing it warily.

“To Kinky Pinky?” she laughed nervously – and he grinned; both took a sip, looked at each other, and smiled. “Okay, perhaps that isn’t bad at all. It’s fruity tasting.”

“I might have to thank him,” he countered, smiling… and then filled her glass. “C’mon, bring it.”

As she stood, he nudged the coffee table to the side and then pulled her close to him while balancing the glass in his other hand, swaying gently to the music.

“I promise to start each morning with a cup of coffee for you – and a kiss,” he uttered softly, taking a sip and looking at her expectantly.

“Are we listing off things?”

“More like exchanging vows privately.”

Nodding, she smiled up at him and took a sip of her drink as they glided like they had danced together for years.

“Finish each day with five minutes or more of alone time together, where we can talk about our day, discuss what is going on in our lives, and just reconnect before lying down to bed.”

“I like that,” he nodded, taking another large sip. “Always try to put the other person first… because your happiness makes me feel that way.”

She smiled, followed his lead taking a larger sip that made her wince. “Boy, that really is very sweet and pungent, isn’t it?”

“It’s pretty rough after a while – especially following that rich cheesecake.”

“No kidding.”

Both tapped their glasses together, downed them, and made faces at each other before laughing and moving closely together to dance once more. She loved how her arms just seemed to fit perfectly around his shoulders. His own were resting on her hip and lower back, almost in a hug.

“I think we should always steal a moment to dance,” she whispered. “Because I love the feeling of being close to you.”

“Absolutely,” he breathed, ducking his head slightly and moving to kiss her. “We should always be sure that the other person knows how incredibly special they are because sometimes I forget just how gentle you truly are and I never want to hurt your feelings.”

“Despite that gruff exterior, you are one big ball of romantic mush, my sweet pudding,” she smiled.

“I love that you call me ‘pudding,’” he whispered tenderly against her lips and slid his hands to make sure they were both at her sides now, holding her waist.

“Lumberjack has grown on me,” she breathed, leaning up into his kiss. “But I still don’t snore, Jake.”

“Of course not,” he chuckled easily, smiling at her. “But you are wearing too many clothes, my dear wife – and despite what they all think, I’m not a patient man at all.”

He kissed her softly, weaving a web of love around them as he spoke to her between those tender kisses that made her melt.

“You are my heart…” he breathed, caressing her cheek softly with his nose and kissing a trail across her jaw. “My life… my joy… my reason for living…”

Each whisper, each word, spoke to her very core as she held him close, speaking her own breathless vows to him.

“I’ve waited for you… needed you and knew you were out there waiting for me and I’m never letting go.

“Never… you are mine.”
