“And then somehow magically landing on Chance with a staged card, and then you conveniently had a pen sitting on the counter that’s been empty for days?”

“Been planning this for weeks,” he said straight-faced – and then laughed. “Gosh, I’m so full of myself. How do youevenput up with me?”

“Because I love you,” she smiled, curling her arms around his neck once more and kissing him tenderly.

* * *

Lena awoke the next morning, hearing Jake moving around downstairs, and smiled. The snow and wind weren’t howling anymore.

They had the easiest dinner, laughing together as they ate Ranch Style Beans that he’d opened and warmed up in a small pot and cornbread muffins. It was certainly not date-night material, nor was it memorable, but the laughter they’d shared sitting in front of the fireplace, yelling at the television between bites and talking about everything and anything, was beyond wonderful.

As she yawned, he’d smiled and looked at her knowingly before nodding toward the loft.

“Why don’t you turn in early and get some rest? It will be warmer up there. Heat rises, remember?” he smirked. “The fire in the fireplace is going out, and I’m going to add another log or two before getting comfy on the loveseat.”

“We’re getting married, huh? Today has been pretty eventful, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” he smiled, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “I never dreamed that I could be this happy. Thank you for seeing the real me and giving that dork a chance.”

“Ditto,” she whispered and turned slightly to kiss him. “Quick question.”

“Yeah,” he replied softly against her lips, nuzzling her tenderly with his nose.

“Do you think you can keep your hands to yourself tonight?”

“No,” he chuckled knowingly, shook his head, and smiled apologetically at her. “I’ll take the loveseat – but thank you for feeling like you could offer to share the mattress in the loft. I’m not that strong when it comes to you.”

“We could cuddle to keep warm.”

“Honey, if I need to keep warm, then I’m going out there and shoveling out the van. I know you are wanting to cuddle and keep this innocent between us until we are married, but I’m having some veryun-innocent thoughts right now and struggling with it. I love you dearly, and that’s the only thing keeping me from being a complete douche and trying to coerce you into bed.”

She nodded, seeing his eyes look her up and down.

“I can wait for you to take my name, Lumberjack. I don’t ever want you to have any doubts regarding my feelings or respect for you. This is never going to be some casual thing between us. I’m planning on forever with you,” he said softly, touching her cheek with the back of his fingers tenderly.

“And if it takes a week for the snow to melt, and we’re alone?”

He sucked in his breath in obvious pain before chuckling.

“I guess I’ll be praying a lot tonight for the snow to break…tomorrow.”



Jake watched Lena climb into the loft, and it took everything in him not to climb up behind her – especially when she looked over her shoulder back at him.

“Good night,” he said hoarsely and turned away from the view.

The moment she was out of sight, he turned back over and got comfortable. He had stopped wearing his brace for his ribs and had laughed so much he was a little sore tonight, but wouldn’t change it for the world.

Picking up his phone, he scrolled distractedly on a few apps and then found himself opening up his email.

Captain Logan,

Let me begin by saying – this is weird, and I don’t do this ever… but thank you. You said you were giving me a chance at the hospital (or I was still high on morphine), and I cannot tell you how much that has changed me. I asked my girl to marry me tonight, and she said yes.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this chance and I really appreciate everything you said to me. I understood why I had to wait. Let me tell you – Lena was worth the wait.