“I love my wife, Bones and I trust her. She has shared a lot with me and I hope she’ll share even more. She still has nightmares. She calls out names of the people who hurt her in her dreams, or rather nightmares, but I can’t help her by insisting on making her tell me. She has to trust me enough to come forward with it. So I wait patiently for her to share. But some things are buried so deep that they can’t come out. Do I want to know everything? Yeah, I do. I want to slay all her dragons, but I know I can’t. Life doesn’t work that way.”

Sam pondered his answers as he wandered over to his station while thinking hard about what Iceman told him. Then he began to question if he had been wrong about Melora.

Now, he remembered what she’d said yesterday. That whatever was going on wasn’t her secret to share. Could that be what this was? A secret she couldn’t share yet? What the hell did that even mean? Would he ever find out? Then he remembered TBone and their talk this morning. Had he lost his faith in his wife? Or maybe even himself? He wasn’t sure.

Pausing for a second or two, he chuckled as he remembered the look on his young son’s face when TBone told him they needed a man-to-man talk. He had felt proud of his son at that moment. But when he heard what the kid had to say, Sam’s heart hurt. This separation wasn’t only hurting him, but Melora and the kids as well. He had to know that but hearing the words almost made him rethink his anger.

It was almost the end of his work day when he got a phone call from Cassie. Sam groaned and answered the call, “If you’re calling to ask about me and Melora, don’t bother. It’s between her and me and nobody fuckin’ else.”

“Actually Bones, I was calling to find out if you knew where Melora was,” Cassie replied sarcastically. “I mean, can I ask that at least, you asshole? She dropped Shaw off at the House this morning and TBone came here after school. But now it’s almost time to close the nursery and she hasn’t been answering her phone for over an hour. What do you want me to do with the kids?”

Sam frowned. “What do you mean she isn’t answering her phone? Where the hell is she?”

Cassie sighed over the cell. “I don’t know, Sam. I called because I was hoping you would know, but I guess that’s a moot question now. What do you want me to do with the kids?”

“I’ll leave now and pick them up.” Sam growled. “Did you ask T where his mom was?”

Cassie growled back. “No, I didn’t ask your five-year-old son where his mom was. Why would she tell him? All he would do was worry about her for no reason. Geez, are you lame or what? Why would she scare her son like that?”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He ended the call. He looked over at Iceman and said, “Melora didn’t pick up the kids today, so I gotta go.”

“Is everything okay?” Iceman frowned.

“How the fucking fuck would I know that?” Sam growled.

“Holler if you need something,” Iceman called out as he shook his head.

Sam jumped into his truck and took off.

When he got to Redemption House, he parked and went inside. He saw Cassie talking to Amos, chatting just inside the door.

When Cassie saw him come in, she glared at him briefly before she closed her eyes and opened them again. She didn’t look pleased to see him just now.

“Have you heard anything yet?” Sam asked.

Cassie shook her head. “No, and I have tried three more times since we last talked. I even called Izzy to see if she knew anything about where Melora was going today and she didn’t. She told me she hasn’t spoken to Melora in a few days.”

Frustrated, Sam ran his hand over his head. “Well, she sure as hell didn’t say anything to me about going AWOL today. I spoke to her this morning when T got off the school bus and walked to the shop to parley with me.”

“Well, they are ready to go and for God’s sake, don’t worry them about their mom not being there.” Cassie narrowed her eyes at him. “Behave yourself.”

Sam glared back at her as he grumbled under his breath. Damn woman had always been so fucking mouthy. You’d think she would show a little more respect as he was her father-in-law, for fuck’s sake. With a huff of a breath, he turned and headed down the hall to the nursery.

When he opened the door, TBone saw him first. He got up from the floor and called out to his dad.

Shaw heard her brother yell “Daddy” and she beamed when she saw Sam. Looking excited, she crawled over to him.

Sam bent down to pick up both his kids and snuggled into them.

“Are you here to pick us up, Daddy?” TBone asked his dad.

Sam nodded. “Yup, I sure am, kiddo.”

“Da-dda.” Shaw hugged him tight.

“Let’s go home,” Sam told his kids as he felt better than he had in days. His kids were the best in the world for that. He then put them down on the floor.

TBone went to get his school bag while Shaw tried to grab her diaper bag but she couldn’t move it at all.