Page 51 of Brett

JoJo pulled back and stared at him.

“Are you serious?”


“We’ll watch it together.”

“How about tomorrow?”

JoJo smiled. “That sounds good.”

He leaned close to her ear.

“Bring your swimsuit.”


She’d be fine if she could keep her eyes off him while he was half-naked. She placed her head under his chin and sighed. This man meant a lot to her, and they’d been on two dates. Two. That’s all. If she stayed with him tonight, which she desperately wanted, that threw the three-date rule out the window. She frowned.

“Do you consider last Sunday a date?”

“Sure. Why not? Just because we didn’t go out doesn’t mean it wasn’t. We spent the day together. Why?”

JoJo lifted her head, stared into his eyes, and he met her gaze.

“Just wondering.”

After the song ended, they returned to the bar and resumed their seats.

Scarlett served them more drinks, and JoJo saw her grin as she looked to the doors. JoJo saw Noah pushing through the crowd and sat at the bar. He glanced around, and she waved at him when his eyes landed on her. She watched him grin, push to his feet, and make his way to her.

“JoJo,” he said when he reached her.

“Hey, Noah. This is Brett Watkins. Brett, Noah Conway.”

The men shook hands and started a conversation about saddles. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Men talked to anyone when first introduced, and in less than two minutes, they were best buds. For women, it was different. Most women have only a few close friends. They wouldn’t become best friends off the bat. Women needed to know they could trust someone first. JoJo had a good instinct about people, but took a while to trust anyone she had just met.

Brett was a good man, and she knew that almost immediately. If she hadn’t trusted him, there would be no way she would have gone to his house.

“Have a good evening,” Noah said to them, then returned to his seat.

“He’s a nice guy,” Brett said, as he picked up his beer.

“He is, and so is Scarlett.”

Brett nodded. “Yes, she is.”

When the band playedCraving You, a Thomas Rhett song, JoJo was surprised when Brett asked her to dance.

“I’d love to.”

Brett took her hand and led her to the dance floor. She was eager to see if he could dance. She snickered. Some people had no rhythm, but good for them to get out there and shake their ass. He turned her into his arms and then spun her around the floor. Oh, yes. He knew what he was doing on the dance floor. He reminded her of Devin Callahan. That man could move, and she’d always been a little jealous of Willa, Devin’s wife. Now she didn’t need to be. Brett was great. She couldn’t stop smiling as they danced.

A thought entered her head. Years ago, in a romance novel she read, the male character told the female lead he knew they’d be good in bed together because couples who danced well together would have that chemistry in bed. JoJo didn’t know about that, but she’d bet last month’s salary that it would be good between her and Brett, especially with how well they fit together.

After the song, he led her back to the stools and sat. She had trouble catching her breath.

“That was fun,” she said between deep breaths.