Page 27 of Brett

“Why is it called Dewey’s if Scarlett owns it? Is it named after her husband?”

JoJo laughed. “No. Noah is her husband. Dewey’s her uncle, but he wanted to retire, and she bought it from him.”

Brett couldn’t help but smile. He was having a good time with her, and he hated for the night to end.

They walked around the front, and he could hear the music get louder each time the doors opened.

Once inside, he saw a packed house. He leaned over and put his lips close to her ear.

“Table or at the bar?”

“I don’t think we’ll find a table, so let’s try the bar.”

He nodded, took her hand, then pushed through the crowd to get to the bar. They found two stools and sat.

Brett raised his hand to get a bartender’s attention. A woman with red hair walked to them.

“What can I get you?” she yelled to be heard over the music.

“JoJo? What would you like?” Brett asked.

“JoJo, I didn’t even see you.”

“Hi, Scarlett. This is Brett Watkins. Brett, this is Scarlett Conway.”

“The owner of Dewey’s,” Brett said with a grin.

“The one and only.” Scarlett smiled at him.

“Nice to meet you, Scarlett.”

“You too. What can I get you?”

“I’ll have a Callahan whiskey on the rocks, please.”

“Damn. I’m afraid of you,” Brett said with a smile.

JoJo laughed. “Good.”

“I’ll have the same,” Brett said as he looked at Scarlett.

Scarlett nodded, then made their drinks. Brett glanced around and saw the stage, dance floor, game room, and billiard room. He smirked. It was definitely a cowboy bar, and he’d been in many of those when he was younger.

Brett leaned over to JoJo and could smell her perfume. He wanted to bury his face in the crook of her neck and inhale. He cleared his throat.

“This is a great place.”

JoJo nodded. “I love it. I don’t get in here often, but it is always fun.”

The band began playingKeeper of The Stars,a Tracy Byrd song. Brett touched her wrist, and she looked at him with a smile.

“Would you like to dance?”

“I would. Wait a second.” She waved Scarlett over.

“What do you need?”

“Could you put my purse in the safe?”