Page 113 of Brett

JoJo laughed. “Oh, this is Brett Watkins. Brett, this is Cassie and Ash Beckett. They live in Hartland.”

Brett stood and shook their hands. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

“You too, Brett.” Ash smiled. “We’re going to grab a booth. You two enjoy your meals. Merry Christmas.”

“Same to you.”

Cassie smiled, took Ash’s hand, and weaved through the tables to a booth.

“They seem nice,” Brett said.

JoJo explained to him that Ash owned Beckett Feed.

“That’s the only feed I’ll use. It’s the best. I never knew he lived in the area.”

“Yes, he has a factory in Hartland that employs many people. He leases land from local ranches and farmers to grow his feed.”

“That’s great.”

“Yes, it is. He has saved many people from losing their properties.”

“Times are tough, so it’s great he does that.”

After eating, they walked outside to see it flurrying and quickly returned to the truck. Brett held the door, and JoJo climbed into the vehicle. Brett shoved the door closed and walked around the front. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. She never thought she’d love someone so much.

He opened the door, slid onto the seat, and looked at her. He winked and chuckled when she winked back. Then he started the truck, pulled out of the lot, and drove out of town.


Brett kept his eyes on the road. It was bad enough driving at night, but the road had no lighting, so he had to keep his eyes out for anything.

He glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed headlights behind him. He hoped it was someone going this way and not Stafford. Brett knew he sounded paranoid, but he didn’t trust that son of a bitch, and even though no one had seen him lately, Brett knew he was around.

He kept an eye on the vehicle as he drove, but it didn’t come up too fast on him, so it was probably another person traveling the road. He noticed JoJo turn to look out the back window and then looked at him.

“I think it’s just another vehicle,” Brett said.

“I hope so. I know he’s still watching.”

“I know he is too, but he will not ruin our Christmas.”

“Nothing will.” JoJo reached for his hand. He lifted it to his lips and kissed her palm.

Brett noticed the lights were gone. “They must have pulled off somewhere. I don’t see the lights any—” He quit talking when a vehicle rammed into the back of them, and JoJo screamed. “Son of a bitch.”

The vehicle’s lights came on, shining into the cab.

“It’s him,” JoJo whispered.

“Yeah. Hold on.” Brett pressed the gas more and drove away, but the vehicle was on his bumper.

“Please slow down. The road could be slick.”

“I can handle it.”

“Brett, please. You’re scaring me.”

Brett sighed and let off the gas. “I’m sorry.”