Page 86 of Brett

When they drove into the diner parking lot, JoJo pointed to a spot, and Brett pulled into it.


“Yes. I’m starving,” she said.

“Me too. I can smell those burgers.”

“I’m getting a salad.”

“A… salad? For dinner?”

JoJo smiled. “Yes. They’re huge. I don’t think I want a burger. That could change once I get inside.”

Brett chuckled. “True. I always say I will try something else but end up with my usual.”

JoJo opened the door, stepped out, and watched Brett do the same. He met her at the front of the truck, took her hand, and led her inside. They sat at the counter, and she glanced around.

“Oh, I see someone I know. Come with me.” She got off the stool and weaved through the tables to one in the back.

“JoJo!” Olivia Stone said as she stood from her seat.

“Liv, how are you?” JoJo hugged her and looked at Wyatt, Liv’s husband, getting to his feet. He was such a gorgeous, sexy man. He grinned and hugged her when Liv let go.

“JoJo, it’s good to see you,” Wyatt said.

“You too. Both of you.”

“And who is this?” Liv asked her.

“This is Brett Watkins. Brett, this is Olivia and Wyatt Stone.”

“Nice to meet you,” Brett said as he shook Liv’s hand and then Wyatt’s.

“Where have you been hiding?” Liv flirted.

JoJo glanced at Brett to see him looking a little uncomfortable. He looked at Wyatt, wondering if he knew his wife was flirting.

“Uh, I moved here a while ago from Helena.”

“Well, Helena’s loss is Clifton’s gain.” Liv grinned.

“My wife is a flirt, Brett. Eventually, you’ll get used to her.”

JoJo and Liv laughed as Brett shook his head.

“I see that now.”

Wyatt chuckled. “She flirts, but that’s all.” Wyatt shrugged. “She loves me.”

“Damn right, I do, cowboy. I know what I’ve got at home. Forgive me, Brett. I have trouble keeping my mouth shut when seeing a good-looking man.”

“What is it you say, Liv?” JoJo grinned.

“I’m married. I ain’t dead.”

Brett chuckled. “Men look at women.”

“Exactly!” Liv laughed.