Page 84 of Brett

Brett pushed the button on the steering wheel to disconnect. Maybe it was too soon. He just figured if they loved each other, why not live together? Was it too soon? He wanted her in his life. With a heavy sigh, he called her.


“I’m sorry.”

“Me too. I don’t want to argue, Brett, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet.”

“All right.”

“Is it?”

“Yes. I just wanted you with me.”

“I am.”


“I want that too, but let’s not rush into anything. Would you marry me today?”

“In a damn heartbeat, but if you can’t say the same, I guess we’ll wait.”

“You make it sound like I don’t want the same things as you.”

“Let’s be honest here, JoJo. If you did, you’d move in with me.”

“That is bullshit. I’m not moving in because I don’t want to be with you. I’m just not ready for that big of a step.”

“When will you be? Never?” he snapped.

“Stop it. Either let it the way it is or…”

“Or what? Stop seeing each other?”

“What other choice is there? I love you, Brett, but just because you asked me to move in doesn’t mean I want that yet. You sound like your ex—”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“She wanted you to show how much you loved her by fighting the divorce.”

“Oh, I see. So, I’m trying to see how much you love me by asking you to move in, and if you don’t, you must not love me as you say. Is that it?”

“Of course not,” she said sharply.

“Of course not. Then what are you saying?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all. I am not talking about this. I will not move in with you yet.” Her sigh came over the phone. “How about we wait until after the first of the year?”

“I’ll call you later,” he said, and disconnected. He couldn’t talk about it right now.

Once he drove to his house, he pulled the truck into the garage and closed the door. He stared out the windshield, huffed, opened the door, and entered the house.

After hanging up his hat and coat, he strode to the living room, plopped onto the sofa, and laid back. So what if they hadn’t seen each other for five months yet? He was trying to commit, but it didn’t sound like she was ready for that. How can she tell him she loves him but won’t commit?

Blowing out a breath, he knew he needed to apologize to her. He picked up his phone and called her.


“I’m sorry.”