Page 83 of Brett

“I’m good. You?”

“The same. When are you coming to visit?”

“I don’t know, Dad.”

“Your mother wants you here for Thanksgiving.”

Brett raked his fingers through his hair.

“I’ll try.”

“Son, I am not telling your mother that you’re going to…try. I’ll give her the phone if you want to tell her.”

Brett bit back a grin. His mother wouldn’t be happy, and neither he nor his dad wanted to make her unhappy. Two grown men feared a woman who barely stood five feet.

“No, Dad. Just tell her I’ll let her know in a few days. I have too much going on.”


“Uh, no—”

“A woman?”

“Yeah.” He grinned when his dad chuckled.

“Is it going to be all right? You could bring her if you’d like.”

“Well, when she speaks to me again, I’ll ask her.”

Michael laughed. “All right. Let us know. I hope it works out for you.”

“I do too, Dad. I… like her.”


“Okay, I love her, but when I asked her to move in with me, she said it was too soon. She said she loved me, but it was too soon. I don’t understand women.”

“No man does, and it’s probably best if we don’t. Brett, I don’t know what to tell you about it, but you two must discuss it. Give her time.”

Brett sighed. “You’re right. I should call her. I stormed out and don’t want to mess this up any more than I have.”

“All right, son. Call us when you know. If something happens that she won’t come with you, then come alone. Maybe time apart would help. You can’t rush into anything.”

“I don’t feel like I’m rushing, Dad.”

“How long have you been seeing her?”

“Almost five months.”

“That is a little soon, Brett.”

“I suppose.”

“I’ll talk to you later. And Brett?”

“Yes, sir?”

“Don’t mess it up. Take it slow and don’t piss off a woman. She seems to mean a lot to you. Beg if you have to. If she means that much to you, do what you must.” Michael disconnected.