Page 25 of Brett

“In most states. I have a Bachelor of Architecture degree. To get that, it takes between five to eight years. I’m a design architect.”

“Which is?”

“I work on the overall design and structure of a building. I create the initial structure outline. Then plan the blueprints and adjust the building design to suit the client’s preferences. Sometimes I’m involved in selecting the materials used to build the structure. I oversee the construction and design team throughout the build process.”

“That sounds like a lot of work.”

“It can be, but I love it. I’ve designed buildings in Montana and Texas. I worked for Riley in Texas. I was also his pilot.”

“You fly?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Can an architect work anywhere once they’re licensed?”

“No, a license to practice architecture in one state doesn’t automatically apply to others. Each state has its licensing board that sets its requirements for licensure. I had my license in Texas, but once I moved back to Montana, I had to undergo the licensure process here. I had to meet the state’s education and experience requirements, pass an exam, and meet any other requirements specific to Montana.”

“What took you to Texas?”

“My uncle lives in Texas. He had me live with him so he could mentor me. I went to college there for my degree. I loved it, but after my divorce, I moved back to Helena. Riley called me a few years ago to help him with the house he wanted to build. I liked Clifton, so I decided to make the move. I designed his and Katie’s home.”

“That place is gorgeous. How long have you been divorced?”

“Two years. Tell me about you. How long have you worked at the bakery?”

“Four years. Sloane hired me before she opened. I love it there. She’s great. I work from seven until four.” JoJo looked back to where the kitchen was and grinned when she saw a friend. She slid from the booth.

“JoJo!” Jessa Hunter said when she saw her.

“Jessa, how are you?”

“Wonderful.” Jessa glanced at Brett when he slid out of the booth and raised her eyebrow when she looked back at JoJo. “How about you?”

“Great. Oh, this is Brett Watkins. Brett, this is Jessa Hunter. She’s the owner’s wife.” She almost laughed at the look on his face. Then his eyes narrowed.

“Is Grant with you?” she asked Jessa, but kept her eyes on Brett.Did he catch it? Maybe he didn’t listen to country music.

“Yeah, he’s in the kitchen, giving Andre a rough time.”

“Please tell him I said hello. This is Brett’s first time here.”

“Well, Mr. Watkins, I hope you like it enough to return.”

“Brett, please, and after just one bite of a porkchop, I can say I will.”

“I’m happy to hear that, and I’m sure Grant will be too. I’d better get back, or Andre may quit. Have a good evening.”

JoJo hugged her. Then she and Brett slid back into the booth and continued eating.

After they finished, Brett asked their server for the check.

“It’s paid, sir. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” The server smiled and then walked off.

“What? By whom?” Brett asked JoJo.


“He didn’t have to do that.”