Page 15 of Brett

“How about we head to the diner and grab some lunch?” Riley suggested.

“Sounds good. I’m hungry,” Brett said.

“Me too. Brett, you can ride with me since I have to come back this way,” Nevada said.

“That’d be great, Nevada, but I want to stop in the bakery.”

Nevada grinned. “I can do that. My wife works there.”

Brett hoped he didn’t mean JoJo.

“Your wife?”

“Yes. Courtney. It’s where I met her when I first moved here.”

“Where did you move from?”


“Nice area. I moved here from Helena.” Brett smiled.

“Brett was living in Texas when we met,” Riley added.

Nevada nodded. “I like Clifton. I met the love of my life here.”

“Maybe I will,” Brett muttered.

Riley pulled his cellphone from his pocket when it buzzed.

“Katie,” he said with a grin. “Hey, darlin’.”

When he disconnected, Brett frowned.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Sadie isn’t feeling well, so Katie asked me to pick up some cough syrup.”

“I hope it’s not serious.” Nevada tilted his head.

“Just a summer cold, but a nasty cough. I’m sure Sadie will be fine. Come on, let’s get lunch. She asked me to pick up a salad once I told her we were going to the diner.” Riley grinned. “I’d do anything to keep my wife happy.”

“That’s because you’re afraid of Sam,” Brett said, and chuckled.

“Damn right, I am.”

They walked outside. Riley climbed into his truck, Brett and Nevada got into Nevada’s, then drove to town.

After parking in the lot, they entered the diner, and people waved or called out to them. Brett grinned.

“Friendliest town I’ve ever been in.”

“I thought the same thing.” Nevada chuckled.

They sat at the counter. Connie took their orders and smiled at Brett after being introduced to him.

Sitting at the counter, the men talked and laughed like old friends. Brett knew he’d always have a friend in Riley, but he seemed to have found a new one in Nevada.

Anyone who came in and stopped to talk with Riley or Nevada they’d introduce Brett.