Page 73 of Into the Void

“You could have been hurt,” her father said. “Vampires and voids, and now there’s a daywalker involved. We need to consult the elders. Right now. They’ve been preparing for a potential war, trying to build our defences, but this takes priority.”

“Nothing happened,” Cara said. “Nick didn’t-”

“Nick is the reason this happened,” Eric snapped.

“He’s not dangerous.”

“Of course, he is,” her dad said. “Cara, you can’t be serious. He drained Jay’s magic! It’s a miracle he didn’t go further and take his life, too.”

Cara hesitated, but to her surprise, Jay spoke up.

“He was protecting his brother,” Jay said. “I told you that already. He was trying to stop me from hurting Brett.”

One of the witches scoffed. “The daywalker.”

“And Nick apologised,” Jay added, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Several people started to speak as they discussed the new threats and developments, and Cara had to raise her voice to be heard.

“What’s so bad about a daywalker?” Cara asked.

“They’re monsters,” one of the witches said. “Uncontrollable killing machines. The stories are horrific, but we thought they were extinct. There hasn’t been a daywalker for... I don’t even know how long. Decades, at least. Maybe centuries.”

“What stories?” Cara demanded. “I’ve never read anything about them.”

This time, the silence that fell was awkward and tense. Several eyes moved to her parents.

“What’s going on?” Cara asked.

Eric sighed. “We were trying to shield you.”

“I told you it was a terrible idea,” Rose snapped.

Cara almost flinched - her mother rarely got angry, and from the tone of her voice, it was obvious that this was an argument they’d had many times before.

“I’m sorry, Cara,” her mother said. “We shouldn’t have hidden things from you.”

“Why did you?”

“You were young, and there are things so dark that no child should be exposed to them, even in books and stories.”

“I’m not a child,” Cara said.

Her mother shot a dark look at her father. “We always said we’d show you when you were older, or at the very least, let you know that some things were kept from you, but as time went on, it got harder to tell you.”

“It was for your own good,” Eric said.

“I can decide that for myself,” Cara said. “What else have you kept from me?”

“Only the elders have access to everything,” her father said quickly. “Most of the coven doesn’t see the most dangerous and powerful secrets. Not everyone can be trusted with that kind of information.”

“But what else have you kept from me, specifically? Not the general coven, just me.”

They exchanged a long look, and her father started to speak, but her mother cut him off.

“No. No more lies. She’s old enough to know everything.”

“She’s too young-”