Page 71 of Into the Void

“Sorry about her,” Julia said, sitting down.

“It’s fine,” Nick said. “I have time.”

That was true. He didn’t know where Brett was, and he didn’t have anywhere to go except back to his empty house. The thought of going back there and finding it empty again was enough to take all the strength out of him.

“Why does she want Nick here?” Jackson asked Julia. “No offence, Nick. You and Quinn aren’t exactly best friends, after all.”

“None taken.”

Julia gave Nick a sheepish smile. “I’m guessing she wants to ask you about Cara.”

Jackson laughed. “That sounds about right.”

Quinn returned surprisingly fast, and she handed Nick a drink with a grin. “So, how have you been?”

Nick smiled. “We can skip to the end, Quinn. You want to talk about Cara.”

She feigned shock for a second, but she quickly gave up. “Traitor,” she told Julia.

Julia grinned. “Now we can skip the boring stuff.”

Quinn rolled her eyes and Jackson snorted a laugh. Nick hid his own smile as Quinn turned her focus back to him.

“You two have been spending a lot of time together, right? Where is she? I haven’t seen her in like two days. I thought she was with you.”

“For two days?”

Quinn smirked. “A lot can happen in two days.”

Julia nudged her sharply.

“What? He’s clearly into her, and she feels the same way, if you ask me.”

Julia raised an eyebrow. “I don’t remember anyone asking.”

Quinn shrugged. “Whatever. Have you seen her, Nick?”

“I think she’s at home. With her family, I mean,” he added.

“That’s good to hear,” Julia said. “We were starting to worry. I’m glad she’s okay.”

Nick wasn’t sure if that was completely true, but he didn’t correct her. He took a sip of his drink to avoid saying anything else.

“So, Nick,” Quinn said, leaning towards him. “Where do you see this thing with Cara going?”


“Are you serious about her? Are you in love?”

Nick started coughing, and Jackson slapped his back to help him clear his throat.

“Seriously, Quinn,” Jackson said. “You can’t ask things like that.”

“It’s just a question,” she said, giving them an innocent smile.

Nick was finally able to speak again. “You know what, I should really get going.”

“What? Already?” Quinn said.