Page 80 of Enchanted Queen

“I want to destroy the rest of that shadow. Until none of it remains.”

You wear the scars well. You are adamant you learn from them. And that is far more than some can say.

I felt the need to turn the conversation back to a lighter topic. “You would know. You keep gawking at my unclothed body.”

She snorted.You are nothing if not an annoying moon. Continuing to goad me and follow me around with your princely charms.

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. “You came to me, sweetheart.”

So I did.She put her head down on her pillows.Go to sleep, Keir. Let your magic recover. Dra Skor needs you. I need you. You can continue being my annoying moon tomorrow.

Her words seemed so genuine and warm despite my pushing her that I found I couldn’t respond. I had been in Dra Skor for many nights, yet this was the first one I truly felt welcome.


“Let’s embrace our dark side of frisky,” Emric said as he rubbed his hands together.

“Not the sea shanty again,” I sighed.

Two days later, we were finally ready to go back to The Taaka, the feline sanctuary. We were meeting at the library before flying out and Emric had been unbearable all day, excited to get to work and see the sanctuaries he had only heard about.

The queen gave Malachi a nod and said to us,Amory will be joining us instead of Malachi today. Malachi will stay here. I could not ask Amory to stay here today if you are working on The Taaka.

Amory gave me a tight smile. “Are you sure you are ready? Rested enough?”

I decided honesty was the best policy. Particularly when dealing with creatures who could chomp me. “Yes, more nervous than anything. Emric, John, and I cannot combine our magic. So there is a very real possibility it won’t work. And I do not wish to let down the feline Enchanted again.”

“You won’t,” Amory said. “We will make sure of it. I’ll explain it to them once we arrive.”

Emric strolled over to Whitten. “Whit brothers at it again?” he joked.

You may call us that if you fix the lake today,Whit jested.

Emric mounted the wolf shifter with a grin. “Deal.”

The air was colder this morning, and I wanted to warm my skin with my magic as we began our journey, but on the off chance I needed all of it today, I refrained.

As we landed, I was again enraptured with the beauty of the sanctuaries. Though one would think that too much orange would hurt the eyes, the different shades of the oranges were breathtaking.

Emric spun around in awe. “The dark rust color reminds me of the color of my magic.” He pointed to a pile of leaves. “I wish nothing more than to jump in those leaves and frolic around a bit.”

“You wouldn’t be the only one,” Amory said lightly. “Welcome to The Taaka.”

I noticed there were numerous feline shifters arriving. The mountain lion I had seen the first time was here. A winged lion and lioness as well as a winged panther all landed and sat solemnly to watch.

Amory began explaining to them what we were going to do, that the magic we would use would make the lake glow. I knew some of the shifters had already seen it, but it was still a good idea to make sure everyone was on the same page.

I spoke gently to the winged lion shifter next to me as we stepped into the black lake, explaining how our Enchantment would work, allowing him to feel it before we just went for it. I was going to have him stand in water only covering his huge paws as I was sure that cats did not like water.

The absolutely behemoth lion named Zaccai gave me a low bow.I am ready, Your Grace.

It was going to take a minute to get used to actually being bowed to now. I kept going until I was in water up to my mid-shins. “As soon as we get the lake all lit up, I am going to need you to start speaking to me telepathically.”

Anything in particular I should say?his deep voice asked.

I smirked. “No. There is not a secret password or anything. So, whatever you’d like.”

He gave me a nod.