Page 68 of Enchanted Queen

We could do this. I knew we could.

“Keir,” Owen turned on me. “Knock it off. All three of us were feeling dizzy, and you know that’s the first hint of burnout coming on.”

“Just a few more minutes,” I offered, not slowing my magic at all, possibly even further strengthening it.

Jorah was there in front of me, her hazel eyes looking into mine. “Keir, drop your magic. Please. We will come back. Krew and I will help in whatever way we can.” My eyes went to Esta over her shoulder and Jorah reached out and touched my shoulder, then lowered her voice to a whisper. “I know you want to help her, but you cannot be pushing yourself to burnout with these experiments, should something happen where you need to defend yourself.”

I let out a frustrated groan, knowing they were both right and hating it. We should’ve come to The Drak first. When our magic was most ready.

Listen to your family,Esta snapped rather harshly in my brain.

I landed on my ass in a lake that immediately changed to the most gorgeous color of purple I had ever seen. I realized that all three times we were able to change the water, the first time in my room, at The Pit, and now The Drak, the shifters were speaking to us telepathically every time it happened.

It was so obvious it pained me I hadn’t caught on before now.

I sat up, making sure to pull Jorah up with me, and looked to Esta. She had stumbled a bit in the blast. When she went to push herself up, for only the briefest of moments where my magic still rode the surface of the water, instead of talons in the water, I saw something else...a hand.The most beautiful human hand fading into scales. In the time it took for my magic to finish fading from the water, time enough to lose my breath and blink, her talons were back.

But it had been her hand. I had seen it. And judging by the way Esta was looking at it, she had too.

I ran over to her and placed my hand on her talon. “You saw it?”

I did.

Owen and Jorah were right there with me.

“It’s the telepathy, dammit,” Owen said. “We should have known after Whit spoke to Jorah. That in combination with our magic somehow fixes the lake. Gets it to connect again to the power, the magic of the area.”

I nodded my agreement but couldn’t take my eyes from Esta. I had seen her hand. And though it had only lasted for a split second, it had still happened. I hadn’t made it up, it’d been there. This wasn’t just a thread of hope, this was a multi-corded rope.

Serkan let out a shattering roar, I assumed letting the rest of the shifters know The Drak lake was changed back.

That snapped my eyes up to Esta’s. Serkan was beyond loud but sounds of victory were much easier on the ears than those of battle.

Esta was looking back at me; as she took a step back, there was a brightness in her eyes I didn’t think I was imagining.

Another dragon I hadn’t met came out of hiding to see The Drak lake was back to purple.

He kept his distance, but I saw him throwing up his head and puffing out smoke. I hoped of excitement.

Serkan bumped into my side, almost knocking me back over into the purple water.Thank you, Princey.

I nudged him back with my arm. “Never doubted me, did you?”

Only the entire time,he responded honestly and that made me laugh.

Esta and Amory were in some sort of deep discussion and then Amory turned to us. “That was amazing. Truly. But with Serkan just letting all the shifters know that you changed this lake as well, we feel it best we get you out of here.”

There was a worried look in her eyes that had me approaching her. “What is it?”

“Some of the feline shifters are upset it didn’t work for theirs. And others want you to head to The Aaruk immediately. They don’t understand how this burnout of your magic works. Not to mention there is no way the advisors haven’t heard about this with the celebration going on at The Pit.”

I gave her a nod. Esta must have known something we didn’t as she scooped up Amory, Jorah, and me into her talons, Serkan grabbed the other guards and Owen, and we took to the skies. It took me a minute to realize that Amory and Esta had remembered that Emric didn’t want me to fly after being on the brink of burnout, they’d remembered and grabbed us instead of having us ride on their backs or with Malachi. It was that little attention to detail which again made me think that Dra Skor and Wylan might be okay after all. The leadership of both countries were at a place where peace could be found, if only we fought for it.

“You are going to be very sought after,” Amory said a moment later. Her shoulders brushed up against mine in one of Esta’s palms. “After what you did today, the news will have already spread by the time we get back.”

I didn’t know what to think about that.

Please brace yourselves. I am about to fly quickly to the ship. I have ordered the other shifters back, but they are excited. Maybe too excited. So I will go quickly. Far more quickly than you’d likely desire.