Page 129 of Enchanted Queen

“Because some wolves are evidently trying to grab me later,” I explained as if we were discussing the weather.

“They—” she shook her head. “Okay, valid reason.”

We stood there staring in the direction he went.



I put my hands in my pockets before I said gently, “Are you going to keep driving the man insane, or are you going to let him in?”

“I—” she took a sip of the cool drink in her hands. I understood the move because I did it often when buying myself a little time. “I do not know.”

I nudged her gently with my elbow like Emric always did to me. Just seemed like the right thing to do. “I may never get to love Esta the way I wish to. Too much is at stake. Both of us shouldn’t be denied like this, so I am going to need for you to do this. We can’t both go down.” I swallowed hard, John’s earlier words rushing back to me. He wasn’t worried about my feelings for Esta, he was worried about hers for me.

In only a few hours, those words decided to further stab me. I resented them, resented their rightness.

“Give it more time,” she said gently.

Time. I had all the time in the world to fight for this because I did believe she was worth it, but after nine years of being in her dragon form, it was what Esta was currently running out of.

Malachi was back into view, flew onto the balcony, and shifted back into his human form. He did not miss a step, but his jacket ripped. He gave us a shrug as he walked toward us. “Can’t say I’m terribly mad. Just a little rusty.”

Ten minutes later, while I again danced with Amory, Dex came back across the room.

“He has word,” I said to Amory before beckoning to Malachi to switch places with me.

I didn’t even bother with a sound barrier this time. If anyone eavesdropped, at least they would know we were privy to the kidnapping plan.

“We are getting to the bottom of it,” Dex began sternly. “Malachi has the winged shifters covering you tonight, stating that if you so much as leave your room without wanting to, there will be hell to pay. So now he is ordering some of those who were likely planning this to work extra tonight, pulling them from the bonfire. Though that puts them in a position to grab you, he has ordered one of each be on your balcony tonight along with himself. So all four shifter types. The plan should be properly foiled.”

I used his earlier words from tonight. “Ouch.”

Dex smiled. “He is rather effective.”

I snorted a laugh. “You just like him because he calls you Muscles.”

It was that moment I saw Zaire coming our direction, burning up the ground between us. He had one of his men right on his heels.

I turned to him with as much of a lazy expression as I could muster. I was not even going to attempt a nice greeting tonight; I just wanted this night officially done with. “What?”

He looked to Dex though. Then back to me. “Is this your man?”

I also looked to Dex and he did the same to me. Dex had been my shadow since we arrived. Rather stubbornly so. This wasn’t news. What was he getting at? “Yes.”

He clenched his jaw and I saw him form a fist with a hand.

“Is there a problem?” I asked slowly.

“Why was he outside of Esta’s room?” Zaire’s voice was increasing in volume, his face red, the veins in his neck protruding.

I took a step closer, just close enough to remind him I was taller than he was and spoke softly. “Where my men go and what they do, as well as where I go, is none of your concern. I do not answer to you.”

“She can never be yours,” he roared back, loud enough that people were now stopping to stare.

“She isn’t anyone’s, Zaire,” I snapped back. “In case you hadn’t noticed, she singlehandedly is the queen of Dra Skor. She is not mine, but she is also notyours.”

Done with the night, possible kidnap plan or not, I turned to leave.