Page 125 of Enchanted Queen

John stood there taking it in while Emric stated, “So that’s about six months overdue.”

“What?” I snapped. I was being harsh with them because I knew they suspected what I did as well. That this would only end in my own pain. I was here to be an ambassador. While I could become a friend in that endeavor, becoming a lover muddled things significantly. Particularly when so much was hanging in the balance.

Emric reached out to give me a slap of a hug. “You have blamed only yourself for the way your Assemblage ended for far too long. I mean that it’s nice to see that you’re not as self-loathing about it now.”

John took off his glasses and put them in his jacket pocket. Which I found terrifying. He looked over the glasses or used them in gesture often. But to take them entirely off his head? Before his mouth even opened, I knew I was in for it.

“There is not a thing I think you cannot do. Including wooing and marrying the queen of what used to be Wylan’s biggest enemy. I only fear this path you speak of will be riddled with obstacles. You are an attractive man with numerous options. Two such options likely still pining for you at home. I only ask you think long and hard about if she is worth it. Because I know you. You will move hell itself if you think she is. And if that is the case, Keir, we will assist you. It is not the depth of your feelings I doubt, it is hers.”

He left for the ball, while I was reluctantly walking in his wake.

Emric put up a sound barrier around the two of us plus John. “Remember what Amory said. She is going to have to dance with numerous men tonight. Likely not you.”

“I am not obtuse enough to think that recent events have overridden her duties to Dra Skor,” I offered while adjusting my jacket.

“Good.” Emric shot me a quick glance. “Keep your cool tonight, Keir. You are likely the only other person in the realm who knows what this feels like for her.”

I considered his words. “Being thrown at different people?”

“Exactly,” he responded. “Within a timeframe even. She might not realize it, but she’s being forced to take an Assemblage herself in even entertaining these possible suitors.”

“When the hell did you get so wise?” I asked.

He tapped on his temple. “It’s been here the entire time, man.”

John covered a laugh with a cough. “So, you just chose not to use it for this long, then?”

Emric gave a casual shrug. “The great Mind Seducer need not comment on it. Seems a bit insolent for a Mind Seducer to verbally dismay another such as yourself. A tedious pursuit.”

John could not respond around his laughter.

I knew what they were doing. Trying to lighten the mood before a busy evening. Normally, it would have worked. Tonight, it felt bland. This was going to be exhausting. It was the first night some of these people would see Esta back in her human form in nine years. Were they really going to be so insensitive that talk of marriage options would be thrown at her already?

* * *

I had beento a few Dra Skor parties, but nothing such as this. The many chandeliers were brightened to what felt like the maximum amount of light. Flowers cascaded down around the large columns in the room. Drinks, I assumed alcoholic, were being passed around. The overhead windows were opened part way to let the breeze in, but I was also sure it was a deliberate move to involve the shifters. If the room itself wasn’t pulsing with chatter and music, I was sure the flapping wings of the shifters from above would be a constant sound.

Meanwhile, I was being bombarded with people, a line to greet me and speak to me. The secret of Esta in her human form was definitely out. John was running interference, and I stopped counting how many times I heard him say, “Now that we know how to help the shifters back to their human form, we hope to get back to work very soon.”

The ballroom went deathly quiet. I turned to see the reason. It was Malachi and Esta. Both in their human forms, making their entrance. Malachi was dressed like I was, but with a white shirt instead of black. And though I assumed Esta would wear purple again, or black, as those seemed to be her themes, she was instead in a silk pink dress.

Due to recent events, I knew without doubt it’d look best on her floor, but that was beside the point. She was stunning.

Malachi gave me a nod before looking at no less than two hundred people before him. “So are you going to gawk all night? Your queen is back in her human form. This calls for a celebration, does it not?”

Many people pounded their fists twice over their hearts, while the rest roared in excitement.

Esta and Malachi were back. What an intentional entrance, yet again.

I gave my head a little shake.

“They’ve always been a great team.”

I spun to find Morana in another revealing gown. This one blue. I smiled at her kindly. “They are.”

“They always have been close. Since we were younger.”

What was she getting at? Did she think Malachi and Esta were together? Did she not see the way Malachi looked at Amory? Which was likely also the way I looked at Esta. “I am close to Emric in the same way. He knows entirely too much about me.”