Page 7 of Enchanted Queen

I understood from our previous discussions that since Archer was my attendant, also given the more important task of whispering with the other castle workers to get us gossip, we were going to need to keep him as informed as possible. My normal attendant Bernadette was still at home. Though she had wanted to come, I had refused. Archer was Enchanted and had assisted my Assemblage as a guard for one of my consorts, thus also had some combat training.

We’d spent numerous hours readying him as our spy. And Bernadette had spent numerous hours readying him on fashion. I didn’t envy the poor bloke, but it felt safer having an attendant who was Enchanted and could at least defend himself.

“Must his meeting be held below deck?” Emric asked John, clear disdain in his voice.

John gestured with a hand. “Have Keir steady us, but yes. Let us pore over our map one last time before our arrival.”

I had to duck significantly to get down below deck. Though I always took up a bit of space with my tall frame, I wasn’t used to feeling like a giant on this scale. Everything on the ship was tight quarters. And yes, I had grown up in a castle, so I was definitely used to my space, but the beach home I was staying at in Nerede hadn’t been enormous. We hadn’t chosen to take the largest ship Wylan had as a strategic choice, but my legs were wishing we had, just for more space.

There was a small table we ate at, and that was the direction John took us in. I chose to stand by the very small window at my eye level, rather than bang my knees against the table crowded in with everyone else. Even there, I had to lounge against the wall rather than stand straight up.

Dex, my guard from home, one who had been assisting me in training the men at the new base in Nerede, gave me a look. He was a tall brick of a man and standing against a different wall. Though it was only a short trip, we were all ready for land.

Dark red magic shot to the air as Emric put a sound barrier around the ten of us. I felt the rocking dull, so I knew he willed us to be a bit steadier also.

“As we have already discussed,” John began once everyone was accounted for, “we are making decent time and will arrive as expected in approximately three hours.” He rolled out the map of Dra Skor we had along with us. “We know it is a long trip from the shore to the castle. Considering we are showing up unannounced, it will take them a day or two to organize our travel.” He pointed at the village at the edge of town. “It is anticipated we will stay in Keld.”

He paused. “Do not hide away, but also do not go anywhere without at least two or more Enchanted with you at all times while we wait them out.” His eyes went to Emric and me before going back to the map. “The two of you as our head diplomats need to stay as sober as possible. No drunken jokes or tussles with the locals.” His eyes flicked to the guards. “Guards also. Do not start any trouble of any sort in Keld or when we get to the castle. We need to all be on our best behavior.”

“When am I not?” Emric asked, his eyes full of mischief.

“That means no vulgar language as well,” John warned. He turned toward me. “I know we briefly touched on this, but as a prince from another country, you will likely pose as a lure to some of the women at court.”

He meant he had tried to talk to me about it, but I had brushed him off. Much like I was about to again. I raised my eyebrows. “And here I thought it was my undoubtedly handsome looks.”

“Your looks,” John began and turned to Emric, “andyourlooks could get us into serious trouble on this little excursion. So do try to keep as many body parts to yourselves as possible.”

“What about your looks?” Emric asked him. “You’ll be at most of the events we will.”

Archer snickered. Emric was a hard man to hate, he was always the life of the party. Always had been for as long as I remembered. And I had known him since Krew and I were eight.

John looked at him over the top of his reading glasses. “Do I look more likely to satiate a woman’s mind or her body?” He put up a finger when Emric’s mouth opened. “That was a rhetorical question, do not answer that. We all know we are safe where I am concerned.”

Emric lounged against his chair, draping an arm over the shoulder of it. “I just don’t understand why it had to be mindorbody, why it cannot be both, boss.”

John snorted, not dignifying that comment with a response. “My point is that we are all to be on our best behavior. Even when we think they are not watching us, they will be. So act as if the queen herself is watching you from the moment your feet first touch the dirt of Dra Skor. The goal is to wine them and dine them, compliments of the wine and gold we are bringing, then retrieve the water samples. Once we have done that, we get the hell home.”

He took a deep breath. “It stands to reason that we need to do something while here, something to show that the current reign in Wylan is far different from the former. A sort of proverbial fire we can put out for Dra Skor, to show that we are wanting to be in their good graces. But it needs to be organic.” He gave the guards a stern look. “We cannot go starting any fires, our steps must be as cautious as possible.”

“Piece of cake,” Emric deadpanned. “Wait for hell to break loose and then handle things. Sounds like the last ten years of working with disloyal.”

“And the ship will stay offshore?” I asked John, though I already knew the answer. That had been my biggest concern. I was less worried for the ten of us who were Enchanted. We could defend ourselves. I was more worried about the ship and crew who held only the three undercover Enchanted that Krew had insisted upon having on board. They were more vulnerable. Yet Krew was also adamant they not leave us entirely either in case we should need a quick departure.

I had wanted to come on this death trap of a mission, but there was a definite weight of making sure it was successful. For more than one reason. The men with me had all risked their necks to make this happen. To clean up another of my father’s messes.

“Yes,” he gave me a nod. “They will move locations around a bit, meeting another of our ships in one day’s time to relay our arrival letter, but this ship has enough food on board for two weeks. After that they will either need to return home or meet another ship or come to shore for supplies. So we have two weeks to see what we can accomplish. Hopefully, in two weeks we can be headed for home.”

“I think I am most nervous for their Enchantment,” Emric admitted. “And once we land and I can use my own magic, know for sure that it will work in a place where their magic is somehow stuck, I will feel better.”

“Agreed,” Archer stated as a few others nodded. “I know they can’t actively use their magic, but all we’ve ever heard are rumors about their powers.”

Pets, as my father had called them. They bonded to the animals of their land. Which sounded odd until I thought of the bond Jorah had with the wolves and how they had helped us take down my father, and then it didn’t feel odd at all.

“Whatever animals you come across, proceed with an abundance of caution and respect. Like that of the wolves of our forest,” John mentioned. “If their Enchantment is linked to their creatures, it is safe to say that they have far more than we do. And they will hold high esteem for their animals.”

Emric and I exchanged a glance. That part sounded fun. What sort of creatures did they have that we did not? Though I had written dozens of letters of correspondence to the other countries the past five years, because of the disease, I hadn’t ever stepped foot in a country other than Wylan.

And now I was about to. I only hoped I lived long enough to tell the tale.